Friday, May 25, 2018

Best Practices in Negotiation: Testing Strategy = Strategy Rejected!


I just looked at the list of customers of a famous negotiating expert. I noticed the name of a company based in the Midwest.

A smile spreads over my face. When he tried to involve a clear negotiation prank, I was doing business with one of the company's executives.

It is difficult to remember exactly which strategy it is, but my response is golden, in more than one way:

"A good attempt," I said slowly, with a big smile. "What technology is there now: Karrass, Cohen or Nierenberg?

" Oh, so-and-so, "My partner secretly hinted that it was obviously this trick that missed a one-mile goal reaction.

It is a problem in regular negotiation training: traditional negotiation training 19659002] Many of these strategies have existed for a long time and have been widely publicized, their effectiveness has been diluted, and sometimes these residues are even It is even toxic for the transaction at hand

If we know from the study of psychology that it seems to strategically close communication through the creation of defensive .

At the time, some people thought that you were playing with them and they might close their thoughts and wallets at the scene. Negotiations, testing strategies were modifying strategies!

For example, a negotiator advocated that "n, " That is, ask for a small item, such as a free shirt or shirt, and carry the suit you want to buy.

To kill this tour All retailers have to say: "Nice tap, but it does not work here.

To be fair, just because a technology is old, a little bit of time wear does not mean that it will not work, at least somewhere, for example, when you are dealing with a complete novice when you are bargaining, you may Would be very fortunate

but what happens when you interact with well-educated professionals, read all the familiar books and take part in the courses of decades ago?

When you need "negotiation best practices," this means new conceptualizations and unusual practices. ] If your peers and negotiators do not adopt new strategies, then openly test and reject the old ones and tell them: "I'm sorry, I will not cut it!"

When they blush, you will know You have already won!


Orignal From: Best Practices in Negotiation: Testing Strategy = Strategy Rejected!

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