Friday, May 25, 2018

Negotiation - How to not be bullied - Negotiating tips this week


"This is a stupid question!"

Those who think they are better than those who ask questions. This reaction can also be a bully's positioning attempt.

When negotiating, you need to know how to not be intimidated by the bully. Doing so will allow you to negotiate more effectively, maintain a more peaceful state of mind, and reduce the overall pressure you may have on the negotiating table.

This article reveals some insights that will allow you to better prepare for dealing with bullying during negotiations. When dealing with such people, it can also serve as a booster for your confidence level.

Knowing that someone really wants to bully you

As I wrote in other articles, before assuming someone tries to bully you, make sure your assumptions are accurate. This can be done by asking other negotiators directly whether they are trying to bully you and/or saying that you feel bullied; the choice you make will depend on the type of person you are working on. For those who are just aggressive, not a bully, if you say you feel bullied and say something like this on your face with a smile, it may remind him that he needs to be soft.

Understanding the process of bullying bullying your thoughts

You also need to understand how bullying treats you. Ask yourself, does he think I'm an easy target, someone who will withdraw from the first signs of aggressiveness, or is he testing me to see how I react? Having this insight will reveal the options you can use to counter his efforts. You should collect information about bullying efforts he uses in other situations, which means that you should be ready to negotiate with you. However, if you haven't already, then you must have enough flexibility to develop strategies to stop his bullying attempts.

Considering his sources of leverage/power

Power is fluid. This means that it changes every moment. If you understand his source of power, if you can't attack him, you can attack it. This is done by letting the source know that it will pay the price because of the bullying behavior of its employees. Understanding his sources of power can also give you leverage, just to show you who your supporters are "yes.

In a negotiation, a bully is as strong as he is and you agree with him. Therefore, To the extent that any angle is changed, so is the perspective of the bully's power, so if you know that you are in a situation where someone might try to bully you, especially if they have expressed such a bid in the past, then Please be prepared to evade instructions, "You don't want to try to be with me, I bite back! "As long as you are careful not to escalate, the situation will pass through a point beyond your control. Such condemnation will reduce the bullies' perceptions and ideas of your choice, which means that he is more likely to contact you in a more respectful way... And everything will be consistent with the world.

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