Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Search Engine Marketing and Optimization - Know Your Search Engine Optimization from Your PPC


Internet marketing has become a confusing place. With so many new hot words, acronyms and old ideas may be hard to find out, who believes, and more importantly, where to invest your money.

Any company with online business should consider some issues:

1. Did you get enough traffic and did visitors respond in the way you want?

2. Should you invest in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click campaigns, or other strategies?

3. Does your site work hard to convert visitors into customers?

How can you distribute our budget between offline and online events?

The best place to start is to truly understand the current network strategy performance by analyzing traffic, content and conversion rates. Then you can plan how offline promotions and marketing can be crossed in an efficient and streamlined manner.

Get High Quality Traffic - Guide and Help You Find You

There are 4 main ways to direct traffic to your website: search engine marketing, links to other websites and affiliates, online advertising, and offline promotions. It makes sense to maximize the potential of all these channels, but overemphasizing one or more areas rather than expending high costs may make it easier to waste budgets.

Should you use SEO company?

Many companies turn to search engine optimization experts to solve the problem that they think their website traffic is low, or because it does not have high evaluation of certain search conditions. Unfortunately, they are not always aware of the true meaning of SEO in practice. Often, these experts try to recode existing web pages and insert keywords and phrases to make them more attractive to search engines. These "fixes" aren't always meaningful because the texts are quickly hijacked and difficult to understand.

Good SEO uses a new page creation, a combination of careful page enhancements and inbound referral link generation. They will be honest about the level of change required and the level they can actually achieve. It should be avoided that anyone guarantees Google's top level because it is impossible.

instead of fixing the old page, creating a better

An effective alternative to "fix" the old page will create new high quality content designed to find it and re-evaluate the entire site. Web users respond well-written text and Google rewards the correct grammar and better rankings.

It's also worth mentioning that you can only create pages that are related to about 4 core search terms. If you are a hotel and your main location is "town town," your main search term "town town hotel" is enough. When the entire site is optimized for "town town," try to get a high ranking for the neighboring towns. (Adding more keywords to these existing pages) will not work. You may have to create a new page specifically designed to highly evaluate other towns and get recommended links to it.

What are the terms of our website?

Many companies have made this mistake, including most large companies. Big brands tend to focus only on the brand itself, forgetting the real needs of people for brands and products. From the customer's point of view. What are they looking for? What language can they use? By placing this text in the page, you will create content that will be found by the people you want to find.

Google PageRank

Google PageRank ranks all pages between 1 and 10. This is Google's ranking of the importance of the site. It has nothing to do with the traffic of your website, but more about its position and position in the site sequence. For example, Google ranked 10th, Microsoft ranked 9th, and BBC ranked 9th. A website with the smallest inbound link and a new URL may never be ranked. This usually happens on small sites that have never received any promotions or updates.

Despite the importance of rankings, search criteria for small businesses are still valid for low-ranking sites (such as the "two-bedroom apartments" in Harlow, London), but if you need more general terms (eg "#39; London Apartments" ) You may need to use PPC in the short term and strive to improve your ranking by increasing the quality of inbound links and developing long term content.

To understand the search, you must understand the search engine

Well, Google, Yahoo and What is the goal of MSN? Of course, it is profitable. Google does not profit from search, but profits from advertising. Google's success in search engine business relations has two things; the quality of search results and advertising (Adwords and Adsense) Relevance with viewers of these results.When users enter search terms in Google, they must believe that Google will provide the most relevant page in order to provide the best answer. It tries to solve the quality and hosting of the page content. The popularity of the site's webpage to achieve this.

Content and popularity - Drive your search engine results to show Location (SERP)

They have many different variables to manage your results location, but page content and site rankings are the most important.Content is about building a well-designed, well-written, well-coded website, and is our most Controlled areas.However, popularity is a more difficult problem to solve because it involves how other parts of the web interact with your website.To understand it, we need to know how Google evaluates popularity. To understand, you need to understand how Google views the Internet

Imagine that the web is a large community where web pages are people living in. If someone needs advice on a particular issue, it's best to consult the community's best knowledge and The most trustworthy people.The problem with large communities is to find that person. The best way is to ask people who think they are the best. After all, personal recommendations are often an important indicator of quality and credibility.If most people Recommend a person, then you have more confidence to consult them.Google sees from one website to another A site's link is used as a recommended link and it can be calculated by mapping the entire network

When starting a new site - remember the age filter sandbox

All new sites are subject to Google ageing filters [ThismeansthatanynewURLwillbeindexedbyGooglebutwillnotrankanycontentwithin3-6monthssotherankingislowerThereisnoeffectivesolutionyetexceptatanyGetaholdpageonthenewsiteassoonaspossibleoraddittoanexistingsitewithagoodpagerankDon'tforgetthereareothersearchengineslikeYahooandMSNthathavenotyetadoptedthisfilterandpayperclickAdscanhelpincreasetrafficwhenneeded

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Some defined time. Google AdWords is Google's pay-per-click advertising name. These ads may directly lead to direct search results on Google or one of its search partners (such as Ask, Netscape, and AOL), resulting in targeted traffic to your site. You may have noticed that "Sponsored Links" appears in the right column of the Google search results page. Sometimes some of these links will appear at the top of the page as the main "organic" result. This is a large area that I covered for another time.

Website statistics v Website analysis

Most site owners are occasionally familiar with the logs of their websites and pay attention to the number of visitors, the pages they visit, the keywords used, and the time spent on the site. Although this is valuable information, it does not really talk about visitor behavior.

Your site may receive high traffic, but traffic must include the right visitor to find the right content and be motivated to do what you want.

Website analysis can provide valuable insights:

1. Which buttons were clicked and which were ignored?

2. Which keywords are the most effective and profitable?

3. Which web pages immediately exit (bounce rate) and most often appear?

4. Where do people go on the site and where do they end up?

5. How many tourists reach the goal you want?

Google Analytics can help answer these important questions and learn how to solve them. It can provide you with clues about what works for you, and what not. Only by continually evaluating the performance of the website and balancing it with online advertising, HTML email and offline promotion performance, do you really know if your marketing strategy will repay your investment.

Goal Conversion

Almost all websites have a goal; let someone subscribe, register, query or purchase something. The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who completed the "target." You have already set up on the website. Low interest rates may be the result of many things; poor design and navigation, ambiguous or bad propositions, complex or annoying paths to "goals", or simply misguided websites. This can only be saved through regular assessments, resulting in actions to improve the quality of the traffic or improve the content of the site. Keep the conversion path simple and make the offer attractive and easily redeemable.

Linking Trading and PPC Data to Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides the ability to track traffic and monitor conversion rates, and it becomes even more powerful when adding transactional data. This is simple for developers and should be part of any e-commerce related website. In addition, when you associate PPC data with conversion data, you can monitor the performance of your campaigns and act quickly when performance is poor.

The content is king - keep it fresh and up-to-date

This makes sense for your visitors and your rankings. Websites that are regularly updated and have innovative content will retain visitors and encourage them to return. It also gives other sites, feeds, and blogs powerful reasons to link to your site.

Also, many website owners don't know that Google will start to ignore occasional updates. Companies should focus on making fresh, clear and relevant web content rather than wasting money on search engine optimization techniques. More and more network analysts believe that high-quality, search engine-friendly content is the key to higher rankings and more effective traffic.

Keeping It's HTML - Clean and Accessible All [1965900] search engine robots like clean HTML content because it is the easiest to crawl content. However, other content may become an obstacle to effective results. For example, PDF can be used to display floor plans, maps, brochures, etc., but it should not replace real web content.

The best practice is to always create discoverable content as w3c-authenticated xhtml css-based pages.

10 steps for online and offline integration:

1. Determine the goal

2. Determine the target audience

3. Definition of propositions

4. Select the channel combination (online and offline)

5. Create creative themes for all media

6. Make offline and online content at the same time

7. Making keywords and phrases for web pages and PPC

8. Build SE-friendly, easy-to-navigate landing pages, microsites, and landing pages

9. Make sure that HTML emails, banners, printed materials follow creative themes

10. Constantly evaluate each aspect of each activity and learn from them.

In this way, you can maximize the ROI of all channels and enable your entire offline and online strategy to work for you.


Orignal From: Search Engine Marketing and Optimization - Know Your Search Engine Optimization from Your PPC

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