Friday, May 25, 2018

Why nod my head really powerful in negotiation - Weekly negotiation skills


"At the time I didn't realize it, but during the negotiation, his head nodded and it really affected me. I almost felt I was hypnotized." This is the power that the mind nods in the # negotiation.

Head nodding can be a very powerful gesture in negotiations if used properly. If it is used excessively, it can show an understanding of knowledge, know many things, but think that he does know; this may give the impression that nodding people are self-centered, egoistic or BS artists.

Continue reading to find out why, if done well, nodding in negotiations is a powerful strategy that can be used for negotiation.

Head Nodding Implication:

When you participated in the negotiation, you nodded in your statement that you could confirm the information you were communicating. The subconscious message conveyed is that I really believe what I said is true and I am committed to my speech. Your challenge is to dissect when truth is true, and other negotiators try to convince you that he is talking about reality.

Correct use of the head nodding method:

When you speak, promoting this gesture is to smile and maintain eye contact with other negotiators. To increase the effect, pause for 1 second, because your words indicate that important things will be spoken. Then, when you posted this statement, nodded to emphasize this point. When you make your speech, head-to-head gestures, a smile, and a combination of eye contact can have a hypnotic effect on the person you speak.

It's also worth noting that those who agree with what you said will nod when they show head. Their gestures are more than proof that they agree with your opinion. At that moment, they also allow you to lead them. Therefore, you should observe your negotiating partner nodded in response to your nodded nod.

Wrong ways to use head nodding:

Too much nodding will dilute the emphasis of this gesture during negotiations. So, do not nod too often. Doing so may cause another negotiator to nod, which means that he will not notice your nodding movement. Another thing to consider is which words you choose to emphasize when you do this gesture. If actions are synchronized with the wrong words, you may end up shifting your perception of important content. In that case, your negotiating partner will mentally want to know what you are trying to convey and what your goals are.

Lots of information is expressed through head nods. Please note that good negotiators may try to use this stance as an assessment of the extent to which and when they can follow their dominant tactics. Therefore, you must be wary of how you respond to such behavior; your reaction or lack of will will send a signal that can be used as a measure by another negotiator.

If you want to increase your credibility during negotiations, please nod when you express what you would like others to believe. That simple gesture, accompanied by intense eye contact and smile while passing your message, will strengthen your negotiation efforts... Everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you are always negotiating!

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Orignal From: Why nod my head really powerful in negotiation - Weekly negotiation skills

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