Sunday, June 19, 2016

Home Security Monitoring is the Bottom Line on Home Safety

No matter how complex or comprehensive your home security system, when it comes to your family's safety it all comes down to home security monitoring. Your system is, quite simply, only as good as the monitoring services.

Installing a home security system should cause three things to happen if someone tries to break in:

1. You need to hear the alarm and move to the safest place you can in the home.

2. The alarm needs to be loud enough to alert your neighbors. Hopefully, they will either call the police or come to your aid.

3. Your home security monitoring company will notice the alert and send your local police or other emergency personnel immediately.

The most important of these responses is the action of your home security monitoring company. If they are not on the job or if they fail to act, your entire security system is essentially worthless. Think about it " if your neighbors are away or they are at work, who will hear the siren under your house? If you are home alone and you can't get to a phone, your safety might depend on the monitoring company.

The first thing you need to look for when considering a home security monitoring company is a long and solid reputation for reliability. You need to know the right people are on the job and doing the right things if your alarm is activated. Unfortunately, this continues to be a shortcoming of many home security monitoring companies " they either are not reliable or they don't know what alerts and alarms mean when they are activated.

The second thing to look for in a home security monitoring company is the ability to communicate with all of the newer and more sophisticated sensors, detectors and other "switches." What good is the equipment if the monitoring company doesn't get the message? You need to know your monitoring company can read all of the signals in all circumstances.

There are a number of new and very sophisticated types of sensors, detectors and "switches" you can buy to increase the safety of your family. But you are wasting your money if the home security monitoring company you choose can't read the signals. This is one of the main reasons to use an established and proven monitoring company that has demonstrated the ability to monitor all types of alarms in all kinds of circumstances.

How do you know if the home security monitoring company you are considering is adequate? Here are the most important questions to ask:

1. How long has the company been in the home security monitoring business?

3. Are there adequate backup systems to maintain monitoring if there is a power loss?

3. What kind of backup systems do you use to ensure monitoring during a power outage or if the wires are cut?

Even if you are working with a company that provides both equipment and monitoring, it is important to ask the last question above. Ask these questions of all home security monitoring companies you consider.

Your family's safety might depend on the answers. Ensure your family's safety and your peace of mind by choosing the right home security monitoring company.

Don't risk a huge investment in security equipment that is useless. Without good home security monitoring what good is your security system?

About the author: Todd Cavanaugh is a 10-year security system business owner. Protech Security Systems installs home and business monitored security systems, 24-hour surveillance cameras, access control systems and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Visit his business web site for his recommendations on home security monitoring .

Orignal From: Home Security Monitoring is the Bottom Line on Home Safety

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