Sunday, June 12, 2016

Women's Circle Cacao Ceremony ~ Summer Solstice ~ London ~ Of Darkness and Light: Integrating Polarity ~ with Elena Angel and special guest, Catherine Hale ~

Women's Circle Cacao Ceremony ~ Summer Solstice ~ London ~ Of Darkness and Light: Integrating Polarity ~ with Elena Angel and special guest, Catherine Hale ~
The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, the day with the most light. What happens next? More and more darkness each day. Darkness and Light represent one of many polarities that we are called to dance with. Another one is that of Masculine and Feminine. Today, we honour both light and dark, masculine and feminine energies within each one of us, and explore how to balance and integrate these polarities in ourselves and in our relationships. When we move beyond polarization, we can experience a new kind of intimacy and begin to honour that which is beyond duality. This is the sacred dance of God and Goddess. We join in the joyful dance of life, of creation, as unity and diversity come into fullness in the natural world around us in the fullness of the summer sunlight. Ceremonial Cacao will assist us in this process of integration and deep intimacy with Self, culminating in a glorious celebration of all that we are â€" life itself! Besides drinking Cacao, we will enjoy Sharing Music Dance Meditation Sacred healing journey and a guided practice with special guest, Catherine Hale. Meet Catherine Hale  Catherine is a Sexual Shamanic Healer and a Sexual Empowerment Coach, her passion is supporting people to reconnect with their bodies and to reclaim the power of their sexuality. She supports her clients to come back into a deep relationship with their inner masculine and feminine aspects and uses the power of ritual and ceremony to celebrate the integration of sexuality and spirituality in her life and the life of her clients. Find our more about Catherine and her work on The Circle meeting is held at a Columbia Hotel, Lancaster Suite, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS, close to Lancaster Gate and Queensway tube stations. Arrival is from 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Detailed joining instructions will be sent out on registration. ADVANCE REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL Admission: £25 / £18 concessions *Special discount for Women joining the Women's Summer Retreat in Spain* Contact Elena Angel for details. ââ„¢¥ "That was a beautiful and unexpected event. I went with a completely open mind with no expectations and felt blessed to have happened upon your group. What a blessed gathering of women and you at the helm made the occasion extremely smooth, genuine and totally lacking in ego. Loved the eclectic music â€" much like my own tastes! Thank you for all that you do in honour of women." â€" Carmen, writer and healer ââ„¢¥ "Thank you beautiful sister for all that you are and all that you give. Truly a blessing. I am also feeling super energised and motivated. Some very clear teachings have come through and I have some much welcomed clarity and deep gratitude in my heart... This has very much been a journey of transformation for me and I could not have gotten where I am without engaging with the sisters and women’s circles. The support I have received as a result of attending women's circles has just been so incredible. I truly wish for sisters everywhere to know they are not alone and can experience the same. Such precious times! A lot of gratitude in my heart, really embracing the journey. Feel such a shift occuring on this road. Thank you, universe. Thank you, dear sister." ~ Sarah, artist ââ„¢¥ "It was an awesome night... and so much has been filtering through my consciousness and emotional space since... It was powerful! Today, I am feeling much lighter in my body and spirit and feeling lots of inspiration to hold and be in spaces where we can work with our inner marriage between the masculine/feminine... and gratitude for new waves of energy that come following periods of heaviness/darkness... Womb healing and cacao! Such a beautiful combo!" ~ Vicki, health care professional Read more testimonials. Check out the Women's Summer Retreat in Spain this summer. Join us on Meetup | Join us on Facebook Questions? Use this form to get in touch with Elena Angel. Meet your host, Elena Angel â€" Founder of The Ultimate Connection Coaching ® Elena Angel is a speaker, teacher, author and mentor, best known as founder of The Ultimate Connection Coaching® and a Soul Mate expert. Elena delights in helping singles and couples enjoy passionate, creative lives and relationships. She specialises in energetics (Taoist, Tantric, Shamanic, Quantum) and strengthening the mind-body-spirit connection. In her sessions, she elegantly combines ancient wisdom and ritual with modern modalities, especially drawing from her knowledge and training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapyâ„¢, hypnosis and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy. Elena’s workshops and retreats are enlivened by eclectic musical choices, dance and movement practices and playful partner and group exercises, alongside powerful guided meditations, expansive experiences and soulful intimacy. The focus is on sacred sexuality, intimacy and relationship, life-purpose, enhancing self-awareness and your ability to connect and co-create the life and love you truly deserve. Elena recognizes the crucial part Women play in humanity’s collective evolution and is committed to supporting the emergence of the new Feminine, and a more enlightened union of Masculine and Feminine within our psyche and in our intimate partnerships. Amongst her most sought after offerings are her Women’s Circle and Soul Mate Connections events series, followed by her talks, residential retreats and online coaching and mentoring. Visit Resources and the Blog on for free, downloadable video and audio resources, articles, special offers and press features.

at Columbia Hotel
95-99 Lancaster Gate
Hyde Park, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Women's Circle Cacao Ceremony ~ Summer Solstice ~ London ~ Of Darkness and Light: Integrating Polarity ~ with Elena Angel and special guest, Catherine Hale ~

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