Friday, April 6, 2018

Heartburn: Relief

What is heartburn?

Heartburn is a burning sensation you feel in your chest. No, it may not be a heart attack, although some people may think so. You should let your heartburn check, especially if you often get it. Only your doctor can help you determine if you have a serious problem.

What can cause heartburn?

Heartburn occurs when gastric acid flows into the esophagus or the conduit between the mouth and stomach and stimulates its liner. Of course, the acid or juice in your stomach can help digest your food. There is a valve called the LES or lower esophageal sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. Usually they remain closed to keep food and acid in the stomach. However, when you have a condition called acid reflux, this value does not always work and acid will flow into the esophagus.

What can make heartburn worst?

Several habits or foods may make heartburn the worst. Eating too much at one time can cause heartburn. You can do this by lying down or sleeping after dinner. Certain foods or drinks, such as tomatoes, fried foods, chocolates, coffee and wine, etc., have caused trouble for some people.

Other medications you are taking may cause heartburn. If you think a drug may cause your heartburn, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Your doctor can suggest a remedy to relieve the symptoms, or sometimes it will be prescribed to replace the medication you take. These medicines will not make your heartburn worst.

What can relieve heartburn?

Antacids are available on the counter and can immediately relieve heartburn. It blocks burning sensations by neutralizing or fighting acids in the stomach.

More Information

If you are still feeling heartburn after trying to avoid certain foods and using them in counter remedy, you should consider checking with your doctor. There are some serious medical conditions that may cause your heartburn to be determined by your doctor.

Copyright 2006 Leroy Chan


Orignal From: Heartburn: Relief

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