Sunday, July 1, 2018

Little League Digest - 2 free baseball batting practices with incredible results


Many people underestimate the versatility and effectiveness of baseball batting tees. The batting tee can be used for various places and heights. Improve your minor league team's performance with these two recommended mini-league batsman exercises. The two batting trainers are "highball drills" and "low ball tee." Each of these exercises allows the batter to practice hitting a particular shot, which is often difficult to practice.

Highball practice

The purpose of this exercise is to allow the batter to practice repeatedly hitting the high speed ball. High speed ball is the most difficult ball to play. Extend the hitting serve area to the highest position and place the serve area in the middle of the plate. Repeat the practice at the position of the ball.

High serve practice makes the batter use more muscle to swing the bat instead of a lower setting. Keeping the height of the target ball allows the batter to control and drive the racquet without using gravity that can be used for lower ball target settings.

Low ball tee

The most difficult position to hit the ball is a low shot. By lowering your batting tees, you can train your players to repeat exercises in the most difficult court positions. You can place the tees on the inside, outside and mid positions so that the batsman can practice hitting all possible low shots.

I hope you find this article rich and useful. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Good luck to you and your team. Wish you a wonderful day, Nick


Orignal From: Little League Digest - 2 free baseball batting practices with incredible results

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