Sunday, July 17, 2016

Young Education Professionals-DC Edu-Jobs

Young Education Professionals-DC Edu-Jobs
Edu-Jobs will provide you with the opportunity to engage with leaders representing a wide range of education sectors – including Capitol Hill, the Department of Education, locally- and nationally-focused non-profits, schools, and more – and to discuss strategies for finding, getting, and advancing in a career in education.

The evening will consist of small group discussions where our facilitators will discuss your career goals with you and share their advice and experiences. The event will conclude with an opportunity for open networking.

Confimed Facilitators (more coming soon)
Amber Northern, The Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Chris Minnich, The Council of Chief State School Officers
Christopher Nellum, Young Invincibles
Chris Tessone, 50Can
Deborah Temkin, Child Trends
Elizabeth Dabney, Data Quality Campaign (DQC)
Jacque Chevalier, Committee on Education and the Workforce
Jennifer Bangoura, IREX
Katie Aiello-Howard, DC Public Education Fund

at 1776
1133 15th Street
Washington, United States

Orignal From: Young Education Professionals-DC Edu-Jobs

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