Sunday, July 3, 2016

Lead, Lean, Learn

Lead, Lean, Learn
Program Description What will call forth your leadership by 2020? Take this opportunity to examine your‎ leadership practices in a supportive community. Using tools such as the Facet5 and Myers Briggs Type Inventory, LEAN into your strengths, LEARN about what challenges you so you may LEAD‎ in a world  starved for leaders rising to the adaptive challenges of our time. ‎What if contemplative practices equipped leaders for ethical leadership so that decisions reflected those who suffer the most? This challenge posed by the Dalai Lama was the focus of the Academy for Contemplative and Ethical Leadership in August 2015. We will share our insight and questions from this event. We invite you into this conversation on leadership. Program Logistics Duration: 5 days, mornings (9:00 AM to Noon), Monday through Friday Ages: Adults. Accommodations: Participants who wish to stay at Naramata Centre while attending the program can book indoor accommodation or a campsite for the week of July 9-16. For more information on accommodation rentals and pricing, click here. Program Leader Ian Fraser and Janet McDonald Ian Fraser‎ and Janet McDonald have been in leadership roles in a variety of organizations. Engaging the adaptive challenges of large and small organizations, they value the contemplative practices nurtured by the Centre in equipping Leaders. Join us in exploring leadership questions and practices in a context of work and play. Yes, there are leadership toys!

at the Centre at Naramata
3375 3 St
Naramata, Canada

Orignal From: Lead, Lean, Learn

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