Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Dear Hunter

The Dear Hunter
with Eisley, Gavin Castleton
In January of 2015, I shared an image with my friends on Instagram of a book ofsheet music. This music, prepared with the help of Brian Adam McCune (whoalso added additional orchestration) was being tracked at Fantasy Studios inBerkeley, CA with the amazing Awesme Orchestra, lead by David Mschler(conductor).The image, at the time, had the title blurred out. Ive never been a fan of talkingsomething up before its finished before I even know if I want people to hear it.There is such a large trend with artists to discuss their future creation at length -to promise the best work of their career; a return to form; etc It seems, moreoften than not, that these promises rarely deliver, and serve more as moralboosters for the artists themselves.I would be lying if I didnt admit that I enjoy the opposite. While I am not anelusive, or mysterious person - I do enjoy the mystery, and elusion and since itseems a rare occurrence that the matter makes good on the mystery - I steep inthat realm for as long as I can.Ive fielded many questions. Ive told many lies. Every inquiry met withdismissal Every What are you guys doing next? met with a Really? Act IVjust came out less than a year ago! Dont I deserve some time off? Some ofmy acidity may have been rooted in some authentic anxiety in all reality, it hadonly been 8 monthsGetting back to the image Here is the original, blurred photo from instagram: And here is the Orchestral Score, untreated:So, with that image, I would like to announce Act V. These two albums, Act IVand V, were written and recorded much in the same time frame- though eachalbum retains its own unique identity, tone, and experience.Act V, however, will be the final rock record in the Act series. This may read asthough I am abandoning the project, one record early - but the truth is simplythat in knowing what Act VI means to the series, and what its story has to say -presenting it in the same form as Acts I-V would be short selling the creativeopportunity it presents.It isnt always easy to find the balance between personal creative fulfillment, andthe fulfillment of our fans/friends - especially when youve spent more than adecade of your life pursuing one path and though my personal path has been,at times, far more tangential than the paths I see so many artists walking - I stillfind myself pushing for new, and exciting ideas It is that same gut instinct thathas lead me through the Acts, the Color Spectrum, Migrant, and Amour &Attrition and as always, I need to trust that instinct.In the foreseeable future, this means to recognize the box that The Dear Hunterhas lived in, and blow the box up. This doesnt mean more than it says. Thisband is not ending I am not quitting This is nothing more than vocalizing thedesire for fresh air after what I believe has been the busiest, and mostobsessive, two years of my life.So - to commemorate this moment in both my, and the bands creative history,we are setting out this September on what I am calling The Final Act TourDoes it sound grim? Possibly Is it? No. This is a celebration of everything thathas brought be to this point a celebration for every person who ever toiledover the meaning of a verse; the placement of an illustration; the name of asong; the point of view the lyrics maintain This tour is for all of you, and wecouldnt be more excited to see you.In addition to the tour, we will also be having Story Time with Casey, and whilethat sounds like the setup for a late night cartoon, its really an opportunity to gettogether, meet face to face, and discuss the larger world that exists in therecords - be it the story or the music.In summation - I need to stress something to you all The single greatestresponsibility I have is my commitment to creativity. The task of remaining trueand authentic is not something I take lightly, and I may have imploded long ago,if not for the incredible and endless support I receive daily from fans, friends,and family I am humbled, and grateful to have you all in my life - and I amincredibly excited for the remainder of this year.Act V: Hymns with the Devil in Confessional will be released this Septemberon Cave & Canary Goods / Equal Vision Records.

at Actor's Express at the King Plow Arts Center
887 West Marietta Street Suite J-107
Atlanta, United States

Orignal From: The Dear Hunter

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