Sunday, September 4, 2016

Womens Self Defence Course

Womens Self Defence Course
Would you love to increase your awareness?  Find a fun and unique way to release stress? Learn the fundamentals of the Ancient art of Karate Do? Throughout this 10 week Course you will Build Emotional Resilience Develop Core Strength Improve Flexability Enhance Confidence & Self Esteem Increase your awareness Release Stress Meet new people Tanya has created this course to help build emotional resilience and tap into your inner energy. By combining simple, practical techniques with the Fundamentals of Traditional Okinowan ShogenRyu Karate Do, she hopes to not only boost your confidence, but inspire you to join our Womens only Martial Arts Club in Kingaroy starting in Term 4. This type of Practice is a great way to start on a road to an improved health and wellness path or compliment your exisitng one. Tanya has been on her Karate Do path for the past 12 years under the Instruction of Sensei Tony Carroll from Perth. In her quest to further her journey, she has made a recent tip to the homeland of Karate- Okinawa. She went with an open heart and mind and came back with much more. While in Okinawa, Tanya was graded to 2nd Dan and has been granted a Dojo licence wich enables her to teach the style Shogenryu. This is an art you can learn at any age and you truely are never too old! You are able to contune this type of Traditional Okinawan Katate Practice well into your 90s as it is not based on the usual Sport Karate you see on TV. "Karate isn't something you do, its something you feel" What do you need? Water Hand towel Comfy loose clothing Fee Schedule First Family member 0 for the term Second family member for the term Third Family Member for the term ( plese contact me for family discount options) For further information please call Tanya on 0419945194  

at KSHS Assembly Hall
Toomey Street
Kingaroy, Australia

Orignal From: Womens Self Defence Course

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