Sunday, September 25, 2016

Anxiety. What Would it be Like if it Were Gone?

Anxiety. What Would it be Like if it Were Gone?
If you found a way to feel free of worry, to feel calmer and more confident, wouldn't you want to find out if it could work for you? Hypnotherapy worked for me and now, as a Certified Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach, I help others to alleviate and eliminate anxiety from their lives. I didn't think it could happen but it did. You know it can be hard to describe to someone who hasn't felt it. The labels just don't seem to be enough for all the thoughts and feelings that you experience. It stays with you even when there's nothing specifically to worry about. It's just there. Like an engine that never stops… Do some of these describe what you feel?: "I can't stop the negative thoughts in my head." "It feels like a constant background hum." "I'm so tired of the energy drain." "I've tried everything and I'm sick of taking medication." "I want to stop worrying about everything." "How do I let go of being overwhelmed?" "I feel stuck." I was there too. I used to have anxiety. I was depressed as well because after a while of feeling like you have no control, you just give up and want it to end. I had anxiety my whole, before I found a way to be free. I didn't know I had it until I was much older. I grew up thinking there was something wrong with me and there isn't anything wrong with us is there? It's okay to want to feel different than you do now and feel successful, and look forward with excitement and anticipation – instead of fear – isn't it? If you think you've tried everything, or even if you haven't, my goal is for you to experience what it's like to finally be "quiet inside". Anxiety free. I tried many things and Hypnotherapy finally did it for me. My anxiety is gone! Now I help others transform negative thoughts to empowerment thinking and help clients reduce or eliminate anxiety and its resulting side effects. Along with hypnosis, I use a variety of other tools and have, over many yeats of clients, developed a specialized process. If you're serious about feeling different, you can experience change through my approach. After addressing the anxiety using a combination of focus driven hypnotic techniques, I will teach you tools to manage any nervousness that comes up in the future. Getting nervous is a feeling that comes and goes. Still, why feel nervous when you can feel excited anticipation? I focus on your specific needs because anxiety affects people differently and great results come from committed collaboration. That's why I offer, free, an up to 30 minute consultation to ensure your questions are answered and that my approach is right for you. If you're second guessing yourself right now, then just decide that it's possible to change and let's discuss it in the free, no risk consultation. It's just 30 minutes to answer all your questions. Some of my other areas of specialty include: Fears/phobias, PTSD, depression, getting unstuck, improving confidence/self esteem, optimum performance (sports, sex and stage), motivation, weight management, stop smoking, mindset mastery and business coaching, personal leadership, medical hypnosis, pain management, faster illness recovery and past life regression. If you feel you experience anxiety, or know someone who does, then reach out and registet for the free 30 minute consult to discuss any questions you may have and learn more. Call, email, Facebook or get your ticket below. It can change. It's possible. Claim your up to 30-minute free consultation below. After registering for your free consultation, you will be contacted to arrange a scheduled time. Elliott Meltzer, Sp.Hons BSc(Psyc), RCH, MHt, PLRT, NLP   •   Mindset Mastery Hypnosis Coach  • 416-845-6417            905-884-2279, ext.5

at Balanced Body Mind Spirit
815 Major Mackenzie Dr E
Richmond Hill, Canada

Orignal From: Anxiety. What Would it be Like if it Were Gone?

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