Thursday, March 29, 2018

Give friend

10 years of spring breeze 10 years of poems,

When number uses up jade orchid to leave.

Search alls over Xia Mu to find beautiful line,

Gentleman is Changjiang Delta the first branch.

Orignal From: Give friend

I had walked along a river

This river

Live very honorably

Cross a city, cross flourishing

This river very grievance, very without be able to bear or endure

It admitted a lot of pinch and hardship

This river knows me

Because I am in a certain morning from it

Had gone beside

Lost youth

This river

Take sb in of tender still ground

The age of my friend

This river is vast and mighty

This river horizon is flowed to

Orignal From: I had walked along a river

Cliff of stone of remount a screen-like mountain peak

Drive car a hunderd li

Stone of pedestrian a screen-like mountain peak

Wind of the summer below hill sunlights

The peak carries bazoo of Qiu Leng choke on the head

Left circle right hesitating

Meandering annulus hill

Eyeful verdure is provoking fan

Look is looked at

Auspicious land

Be just as water Mo Cenglin to catch

River plain great change

Only laborious full world

Orignal From: Cliff of stone of remount a screen-like mountain peak

Heng Shan. Realize buddhist

Mu Fengchen comes south the person that go,

North looks at constant of mountain of clever hill gloomy.

Dragon of 5 peaks emerald green screen is drawn bright and beautiful,

Xiao Taochun of magnetism gorge misty rain.

One leaf spends generation honour,

Ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes is impending door establishing buddhist.

A thousand years is bold and generous alcohol beyond wine,

Heaven and earth falls in float unripe dream.

Orignal From: Heng Shan. Realize buddhist

The section that weigh this world has feeling

Weigh in relief section now,

The evil that fresh gale blows;

Smoother is blown,

Black clouds agglomerates however.

Take care of oneself talks about a career,

Counteract bid farewell talking about be apt to;

Policy of provide for the aged is good,

The setting sun mirrors octogenarian Die.

Orignal From: The section that weigh this world has feeling

In setting sun you

Graceful you

Receive the rays of morning or evening sunlight of assured source day

Let colorful Yun Ni

All over the sky sheds red

The clothes of seem sea beauty

Your affectionate eye

Looking at distant isle

Sea wind is kneaded gently

Dragging daydream

Ocean wave in succession

Dial the longing that moving you

Beating your atrium of the heart

You want to do a mew more

Pass by the sea 

Go keeping the your brilliant work that loves

Orignal From: In setting sun you

Where does time go

The school yesterday as before

But teacher already content is person blame

The road channel channel that has taken pits

But on the way scenery

Be not former times comparing today however

The poplar before the door is cultivated

green yellow

Fizzled out green


The two individual cuddle with thick waist do not rise

The pond of village edge

Warm duck catchs shrimp in swim reed

Cormorant spring comes cool autumn days goes again


Of the winter ice-skating summerly paddle

the dense bad when

What fill life everywhere is comical

The sun of labor rises a month to fall

The metempsychosis of the four seasons of the life

Went days

Forever will hard farewell

Life suffering is short 

Prance please terrestrial correct path

Do not forget first heart

Yield the final result with beautiful draw hard

Orignal From: Where does time go

Autumnal scenery only beautiful

Autumn wind interest is blown

Drizzle is small cold

The earth is bleak cold Yun Tian

Bell of ancient temple buddhist

Leisurely sound is long call out

Knock wake group of hill death

Wait for rain to rest a bit

Rosy clouds colourful rises

Cloud head steps outstanding word wild goose

Water Chinese ink spills a picture

Mist cover is like gauze

The red autumnal leaves that overflow hill accompanies smoke from kitchen chimneys

The United States is in the world

Orignal From: Autumnal scenery only beautiful

Xia He

Summerly night twittering

Numerous star if bead

Jiggle of green carry on one's shoulder

Han Dan jiggle

Cool breeze garrulous

I think of leisurely


Roll Shu Youdu

Zhang Gerou is beautiful

Red pink Qing Li

Be about to appeal to return be ashamed

Lunar shadow wears gauze

Leisurely my affection


A lonely is lubricious

Apply colours to a drawing lingering

One pool summer carries on his shoulder or back

Dreamy shedding is connected

Shadow ripple

Leisurely my heart


Orignal From: Xia He

When my person is solemn and quiet

When my person is solemn and quiet

Can come over stealthily a kind of sadness

Resemble the music of person of a paragraph of hold up

   The flower of a be wrapped up in is sweet

   Wen Run's spring breeze

   A blurred moon


When my person is solemn and quiet

Can come over stealthily a kind of sadness

Because do not keep that paragraph of music,be

     Tibet does not have that flower sweet

     Do not catch that spring breeze

     Pick up do not have that moon




Orignal From: When my person is solemn and quiet


Be like now yesterday and already became yesterday cannot chase after die to be in erstwhile erstwhile noiseless abstruse accompanying cry tear extensive removes a paragraph paragraph of same memory rise Yun Tianli to fall to muddy medium bury in dim bottom to drip endless abyss is phonic not

Orignal From: Metempsychosis

Before thinking scene ~ does not have the longing ~ destiny of origin

Always see the Qing Heyu before the pond, suffer from by column sadness, bead shade locks up heavy cabinet, an affectionate couple double difficult embroider. Willow bank cool breeze puts in where 's charge, a words from one's heart appeals to, drunk inquire month is old, lovesickness should who is made.

Orignal From: Before thinking scene ~ does not have the longing ~ destiny of origin

Your crossing my boat

You are crossing I am a boat

Shui Bo is me two write love letter

Everyday the one's way home of the hug of morning and setting sun

Always be sentimentally attached to

Of love pull a hand

You are in of the bank this is looked at

That my turn one's head in water

Everyday come and go

Send the entrust that looking at a river

Make an appointment cantabile

The real situation always is stationed in

Orignal From: Your crossing my boat

Well water

 One that year I am returned small

 With associate people play in the ground

 The overgrow in the ground vegetable



 Fabaceous horn

 Still have a well

 There is water pump in the well


 Well water was smoked come up

 Clang clang



 Cool cool

 One summer


 All one's life


Orignal From: Well water

Butterfly love beautiful friend sending a poem

Dusk ascends Shi Shanfeng to warm, wang Jiqiu is smooth, dong Dong surging thoughts or emotions rises. In multicoloured red smooth the setting sun, have an insatiable desire for one language all day long sentence.

Desire Du Kang same drunk, act wine joyous song, all forget to sleep overnight. Have drunk Weng Qian first the cup is little, shi Xian is gotten after 10 thousand beauty!

Wuhan aid border pedagogic Liu Fuwen (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Butterfly love beautiful friend sending a poem

An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. Help deficient up (Xin Yun)

   Wood element gauze is installed,

   the frost in Jiang Tianmo.

   Climb climb a body to wash sweat,

   cross Shui Zhanchang more.

   Appearance of elders of a country or district is exhibited,

   men Tingxi celebrates raise.

   Help deficient circle good dream up,

   enter door into the village busy.


Orignal From: An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. Help deficient up (Xin Yun)

Bo Lehua is moonlight


Water of rich river green jade wears the desert, grinning of A hill bright moon.

                Shang Shang sheds wave the eastern side to emerge, all the way tall song tide is stimulated.

Spring night gets together below 100 flowers month, flower of apricot of one's pupils or disciples is contended for on banquet.

Very beautiful flowers surpasses Xia Ye, peony sunflower leaves to the month.

Autumn night is multicoloured really multicolored, the Jade Hare-the moon between red olivine joyous.

Will be September most when gold, south eat of city beauty lubricious You Ke.

Edge of sweet skirt of wind soft flower is beautiful, orange osmanthus beautifuls below red willow month.

Report is devil water it is celestial being, bow one's head of goddess in the moon sees fountain.

Music is amused so that water dances, animation hold up takes guest heart joyous.

Water becomes drunk Weng Liqiao wine, river of descend to the world of poetic celestial being makes inkstone.

Maple leaf sings Gong Ge month, zhu Dan is contained in shadow of Chinese flowering crabapple.

The colored lantern that discharge a platoon surprises to shine solely, a bump of rainbow bridge inverted image.

A fabled abode of immortals has a road not to wish to go, take herein heart sweet.

Love arrives extremely conscience is in cut out, display Yubole to surpass lakefront.

Contest lake is drunk like wine must not, poetic ghost is washing inkstone month.

Wintry Ye Xueguang illuminates day hill, a Shan Yinguang differs idle.

Moon is like silver-colored besprent ground, wind knife blocks look up of 10 thousand guests hard.

Life has suffering not to want to appeal to, ling Zhijian of here frost sword.

The Wei Guoye side defend is right month, crock of jade glacial a heart is proud day hill.

Horizon month is not dozy, lunar servent does how could return?

Article of blessing of willow of teacher of Wuhan aid rich (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Bo Lehua is moonlight

Read have feeling

Day highland is broad 100 flowers are bright,

 Courser gallops Yun Kaiyan.

 Neat beck of at all times and in all over the world,

 Thing north and south in all sentence day.

 Confucius invites me to say the analects of confucius,

 Cling to Jin Banyu reads pluvial report.

 Sha old man is Wang Xianming power,

 Slope plants dish to hide sow a small room east.

Day Shan Yihe (Liu Fuwen)

Orignal From: Read have feeling

Read to feel newly

   Camel goes a long time in desert,

         asthma tongue anxious mouth is too dry.

         Who knows when 4 feet are faint,

         one fountain appears before.


Liu Fuwen (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Read to feel newly

Point to crack the time between

The willow Xie Yang before the door

green fizzle out again

The China hair of two hair on the temples

Declare publicly is worn continuously vicissitudes of life

when frolic

Changed today's joke

Parental the likeness of a person

Seal cutting and of country of all day long serene

Sun Dong Shengxi falls

Day and night short again long

The fragrant humble of the earth is grass green

The Bei happy event that says endless world is boundless and indistinct

Of the soul sink into

Certainly by historical endless flow

Be in harmony is in do-nothing mire

Weather channel fulfil just can make frequently life

What always protect Heng Yuan is brilliant

Do not forget the heart takes the train of the times first

Make us new search

Lost time

Orignal From: Point to crack the time between

Yearn for a snow

A snow 3 years ago

Played two night 3 days fully

The far hill of wintry morning

Alone beyond luxuriant


The open country after snow

Do not have a sound of sth astir noiselessly

Be like the earth

Also stopped pulse

The sun is at the back of hill

Show half pieces of smiling face

Accompanying cold wind to blow the rainbow since

Draw gives

Snow of excellent incomplete pale blue

Orignal From: Yearn for a snow

Chu Xue of · of gray jade case

       West wind night blows Hua Qianshu. More blow fall, chrysanthemum is like fire. Full grade of flying celestial being of good snow silver. Bird joyous person cries, jade of branch fining jade is cultivated, early in the morning is right Xue Wu.

Silver of person red ground installs the United States. Laugh language be filled with be filled with shake the winter is cultivated. The handsome young man is piquant a thousand times. Beautiful female turn one's head, that person is in however, put Hua Longzhi on the ice to be in.

Wuhan aid border teacher  Liu Fuwen (day Shan Yihe)


Orignal From: Chu Xue of · of gray jade case

Head of water air song is sent east slope

Just eat east slope flesh,

       read again child look up article.

       Want to cut Yun Ju cap more,

       drunk lie seasonable rain booth.

       Lifetime wind blows billow to hit,

       cloud of idle of wild crane of be better than,

       tonight dream gentleman.

       Child in Jiang Shangyin,

       zhou Lang most become enamoured.

       West wind is moved,

       the desert is static,

       defend edge is peaceful.

       Mansion of bare heart total Xiang Hua,

       the day hangs a giant star high.

       Chang Sai an old fellow like me is mad little,

       enterprising of seize every minute,

       the heart at the beginning of chiliad solid.

       Day hill silver-colored dress a corpse,

       heart of courage jade crock.

Wuhan aid border teacher Liu Fuwen

Orignal From: Head of water air song is sent east slope

The dusk of incomplete autumn

Persimmon cultivates a few leaf that go up

What be blown by cold wind is aglow

Although disappear spring opportunity of survival

But fall in the setting sun

Also do not break autumn beautiful

Bend curved hill way

little diurnal blatant

Did not break the homeward journey of tourist however

The tit is dropping light between the bush of leaf

Skipping to give out bleat

As if in recount a winter to come too early

The village below hill

Besides the old person that idle of street alley both sides takes

Also cannot see again

Children after school

Happy event is happy fight noisely

In old house

Have yellow Mei Huchuan a few times to come occasionally

That also is the wife that does dinner

Accompanying smoke from kitchen chimneys

In night of fine of singing in antiphonal style

Orignal From: The dusk of incomplete autumn

Send off before bamboo

Bright red figured woven silk material is emerald green mirror Bai Qiang,

Old friendly photograph pulls lachrymal antechamber.

Frost hair on the temples still circles peace happy,

Dialect is far from person bowel gradually.

Cool breeze gives me jasper character,

Cheeper phoenix bears Lai Shuli stamp.

Who with too white double full moon,

Endow with new decline Mo Zixiang frequently.

Orignal From: Send off before bamboo

Long for Na Duoju

That is the leisure weekend

Casual walk into

Balmy chrysanthemum garden

The Cheng Jing of very beautiful flowers

Jing must allow my dehisce difficult word

After the Jin Huang of alias of that individual plant

Immensity of lunar charming be ashamed is taken in the cloud

Worldly this some is commented

Be in instant

Became an incredible story

Orignal From: Long for Na Duoju


Travelling bag has been hit

Take army provisions

Pedestrian cross in

Write the beautiful Shan Junhe of full poetic flavour

The birdie that can talk

Skipping to wave fruticose residue

As if to say again

The friend of distance 

It is really good to have you

Come to Shan Dian

Stop the footstep that breath

Eyeful of rank grass of alone beyond dark green is

The grand insignificant in open country

Look up at horizon

Bai Yun smiles in blue sky

Scan widely all is in

Everywhere hero

The arm since Lu tries than tall

Orignal From: Distance

Xu of Huai Lin criterion



    Without on tiger door 9 night,

           however Lai Yili is admired fine jade precious jade.

           Day hill did not forget opium thing,

           make jade comfort up to now heroes!

Liu Fuwen (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Xu of Huai Lin criterion

Assist harbor bead bay big bridge

   The You Longfei in the sea if roc,

     can of lightning of high in the clouds is like rainbow.

     Harbor bead bay rise elfland,

     philtrum of heaven and earth vacates flood dragon dragon.

     The sun laughs to Nanhai,

     the moon sides with east bend forward.

     Hua Shaxiong lion is round-the-world dance,

     china falcon straight eaves is strong.

             Liu Fuwen (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Assist harbor bead bay big bridge

" think scene ~ rises early after Wen Yu "

Dawn of grey hill Zhong Ming, harships holds the post of shake. Dragonfly dew carries on his shoulder or back, on small courtyard pool early.

Orignal From: " think scene ~ rises early after Wen Yu "

Qiu Yin

Bird of broken Jing of Chinese parasol branch, fine exhibit gauze to fall Qiu Sheng. Filar silk continuously is entered with spurt, small butterfly joyous feather drop Qing Meng.

Orignal From: Qiu Yin

Gu bridge mirrors the bright moon

Building of where upturned eaves, be opposite alone Jiang Yingchou. The dot lights column bar fire, gu of a long time is defended oneself. The bright moon is brought for who, willow wind concert. Qiang flute needs to complain, annual either end of a bridge is awaited. Dense benthic shadow, gentleman should tell my concern.

Orignal From: Gu bridge mirrors the bright moon

The memory of birthplace

The willing ox of birthplace


Resemble my great grandfather

Sit in village head all the day


Do not have

Smoking tobacco

White aerosol

Winding around his white mustache

White brow

Still have the white on the body

Cool really clothes

Grandma by

Old doorcase

Xiang Hangzi's end

Look into the distance

She is in the dear one that misses distance

Still go in memory

That agonized dream

On hearth

Basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle

Use fixed number of year is ages ago

However clean and bright

That is me when the most yearning place


Fill full abdomen

We are OK to the top of one's bent carol

Still have the old cobbler that mends shoes then

Always have the tobacco that does not smoke

The upper that does not repair

The willing ox in the dream


But in home of village secretary of a Party or League branch

That blocks a wall up

However more vogue

The old Red Army man of a few old

Always like to be before the wall


Lao Lao in those days battle years

Think present happy days

Orignal From: The memory of birthplace

Star-spangled night

Bend curved month

Hang in sky

Both sides carries the star of the move

Blink have sth in mind to be being recounted

Of night hazy

The downtown streets of lights brightly lit

Handsome male beautiful female swim together hand in hand

Roam in multicoloured affection sea

Batch move youth

Of love enchanted

Trestle is traversed flourishing

Lin Lin high-rise keeps watch peace

What astral month accompanies is halcyon

Mirrorring everywhere

The rainbow of colorfully decorated lantern

Unruffled night

Zephyr stroke face

Admire evil spirit worldly countless poverty

I rejoice this life

Live in the fertile soil of Han Mengying of the Qin Dynasty

All enjoying star-spangled night sky

Orignal From: Star-spangled night


Prize-giving night

From other prelude

3 men

Carouse river Yang Xilu

Talk about the story of some of bedlamite and poem


If do not have poetess


not misshapen


Chongqing is small

Those who eat is a face

Those who pull down is the soul


Have dance

From henceforth

him fuddle


The travel of Lu city

I became true poet

(On November 15, 2017 midday at the office)

Orignal From: Full

Wintry charm

Wind already no longer sweet

The sun appears little also

Former days cordial

The Mo Dai of far hill of look as far as one can

Withered Xie Qiu is yellow

Fell completely light grief

The way home

Such noiseless hollowness

The field after autumn harvest

It is so bleak cool and refreshing

Sometimes a birdie go up from the beginning had delimited

Leng Buding's cry

Also can frighten leg soft palpitate

The air temperature that enters a winter is lower and lower

The dress that goes up personally also wraps closer more

Season irregular change is day of way nature

The winter hides what also have dawn to expect

Wait for dance of wind growl snow

That morning

Luck auspicious China can dream to come true certainly

Orignal From: Wintry charm

The dream of a river

Flow classics the vicissitudes of life of years

Looked worldly hot and cold

In parting youth

Having too much but

In historical rut

Jarring is the days of memory

Bottle turn the star moves great river east to

Return the Liu Yang that has a bank changelessly

The Qing Dynasty of Chan Chan flows

It is water is written log

Nick is full

Recorded 30 years of river uncle

Of love fugacious

A river

Enriching the daydream of the dream

Leisurely a newborn baby travels faraway He Fang

This river is you forever

Miss deeply

Of the root yearning

Orignal From: The dream of a river

Lunar angel

   One, crying home

 The night yesterday

 Close double key point tired outly

 The harships of distance

 Tear apart the curtain of night of scene of debauchery

 Be like,bump into the four seasons spring home

 Spring flower double ended radius sleeker

 By brutish kind of devastate

 Unlined upper garment of green garment of a gathering of things or people

 By lacerate

 Add dirty word

 Coil together inky sky

 Cast ferociously in again

 Below the foot of reinforced concrete

 The spring scenery yesterday

 Already not answer exist

 Crying home

 Resemble the young married woman of with hair dishevelled

 Opening helpless eyes

 Moaning bitterly

 Who will save me

 2, lunar angel

 She wears gilt-edged tool

 Striding lightsome dance appearance

 Always be in the late night

 From the palace of the moon

 Elegant the world

 She reachs the fine hand of fine fine

 crying home

 Hold in the arms closely in the bosom

 With the heart like the girl

 Gently stroke smooth

 The bruise of that all over the body

 He always is in harships

 Wear gilt-edged tool

 Dance is worn magical double arm

 The incomplete branch topic of the town defeats a leaf

 Bury thoroughly before dawn

 By dirty urban home

 Clean before sunshine illuminate all things

 Day after day

 Year answer a year

 They are foolish angel

 Do not tell the world


 They are big love make official

 Marry lifetime

 Holy career

 3, beautiful home

 Take fair car when you

 Opening BMW when you

 Be on zebra crossing when you

 Whether had you thought

 The wind of yesterday evening

 The rain of early morning

 Whether had you thought

 Who be

 What guarding a city is clean

 They are


 When the sun rises

 He (she) people stealthily return the palace of the moon

 We do not have reason

 Do not raise divine right hand

 To her (he) people

 Lunar angel

 Majestic greeting

Orignal From: Lunar angel

Autumn meaning

The ginkgo that discharge a platoon already was sent yellow,

Autumn wind of deciduous leaf full ground is cool.

Autumn wind of full ground fallen leaves rises,

A hearts expresses poetic flavour.

Orignal From: Autumn meaning

Forgot me


  Forgot really

  But everything is true

  Never stay in the heart however

  Without what

  It is to need not be changed

  Perhaps have exclusive

  It is to forget


  Forgot really

  Those who forget is complete

  It is you

  Forgot me

  With the past

Orignal From: Forgot me

In my dream

 Gently I the dream arrived you

 No less than I gently in the dream

 I gently wave

 You are right I slightly laugh

 I put a song in your side side

 I am singing love in singing

 You have dance in singing

 Your love in dance is followed


 Stealthily I the dream arrived you

 In the dream you are so beautiful still

 I stealthily wave

 You however turn a blind eye to


 I put a song urgently to you

 The love in the song is too much

 You are turned a deaf ear to however

 Let me 10 sad

 Sad it is a thorn

 What thorn was fond of my heart is halcyon

 I struggle


 But you already face about

 I am afraid that you go far

 I cry greatly to you



 I woke

 I awake from inside the dream

 You stay in my dream however

Orignal From: In my dream

Leaf waves in wind fall

Holding a leaf

Contemplative a long time

It is beautiful self-abuse

Return be wind to destroy

Decline one ground

Suffering evil spirit beautiful former days home

The wind that northern part comes to

How to change a kind of style

By touch softly

Become penetrative cool partner

Look at the leaf in the hand

It seems that I understood a lot of

The weather became cool Xie La

flower also should enjoy domestic dormancy

Await tomorrow

Spring call

Bring back beauty again the world

Orignal From: Leaf waves in wind fall

Do not read home

A brilliant poet

Ask me to read Her

About me

The poem of birthplace

I refused

Charming affection is great-hearted

Have nothing to do with this

Again beautiful essay

Also the body appearance that draw does not give native land

Again refined line

Also do not condense to give the inside information of birthplace

I do not read home


She is over there

In the dream On the heart

Be in light nostalgic in

In sight wears autumn water

In eye eye...

2017-11-19 Nanjing

Orignal From: Do not read home


  In Huang Sha's boundless desert

  Growing a small poplar

  On poplar one pair of Brown birdie

  intimate each other appeals to words from one's heart

  Their life is extremely simple

  A warm small mew

  A few hide the gnat in the depth of desert

  Of course, still have the eyes of mutual take pity on

  Do not be afraid of that violent storm however

  Also not sorching of dread burning sun

  Everything destroys the disaster with vast power

  Bleak also not they are right the explanation of love

Orignal From: Birdie

Look into new era


       oriental sunrise 100 dragon dance,

       glow flies to 10 thousand beautiful stretch western.

       Nanhai fish jumps 5 stars to laugh,

       boreal border eagle exhibits 9 clouds to go out.

       Airship is driven on towering go,

       by You Long play sea is entered below.

       Arm big waist is round three hundred million and ten,

       bamboo of myriad of feel proud and elated.

       More source of happy China peach is beautiful,

       hua Sha different of one alarm world!


                     Wuhan aid border teacher Liu Fuwen




Orignal From: Look into new era

Secretary-general of assist be used to



      Tiger fly history from many,

           gun of Gu Jin god has geometry!

           Be used to always battles sword nip tempest,

           colourful Yang Juguang takes the land of country.

           Hundred years party flag is just as blood,

           10 thousand fetch carrying a state more be like fire.

           Raise one's hand of the Northern Qi Dynasty austral the thing,

           at all times and in all over the world sings in all!


                     Liu Gong (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Secretary-general of assist be used to

Masturbation and from ridicule



                Budding already tried hard,

                The old wins golden cup.

                Write because of style of writing,

                Be thankful tears in eyes flies.

                Cottage hill a poem of four lines is thin,

                Clear river a poem of eight lines is fat.

                Raise an edge to go to day hill,

                Chant poetics is collected osmund.


                       Wuhan aid border pedagogic Liu Fuwen          

Orignal From: Masturbation and from ridicule

Old man of the Sha that chant


Arena the literary world this vast sky,

Sha Weng Yi gives protruding extraordinary.

Bright month although fall from the sky is counted hundred years,

Galaxy often bows as before.


Willow is fair (day Shan Yihe)

Orignal From: Old man of the Sha that chant

Consider a person

   Movie of the day that enter a window is inclined

   The wall is hanged imprint again and again

   Think of everybody to be absent

   Empty accept as a souvenir is unbroken



Orignal From: Consider a person

Who is he

A castle

Who is that Great Master

A tool

Who is that pair of prolate hands


The earth is only on his palm



One side banner,

Who chose flying way

One plant plant

Whose dictate blossoms and result


Succeed and fail

Honor and disgrace

The admire that who this is is decided

And life is a process merely

It is a kind of means of inference

It is an equality of the proof


And we have a common name

Heart of Tang Ji scold

Try to defeat a gun with one lever

Carry fall he

Orignal From: Who is he

Qiu Yin firstly

Autumn scenery of sound of fallen leaves of caw of frequency of bird of Gu of scanty phoenix tree of small wind delicate language gradually green hill is boundless and indistinct however and remote without sign

Orignal From: Qiu Yin firstly

Crazy defend

Lonely falls green Xie Laoyi goes because of,never putting in sth resembling a net of filar silk sth resembling a net 's charge who answer again metempsychosis the other shore disappears Xie Xie falls wrong Hua Kaisheng gives birth to age age look to defend He Lai not regret cold wind urges pluvial brooklet Bei of urgent Qu Qu

Orignal From: Crazy defend

Wintry evening

    Chill deadwood quivers

    Flyer Gu shadow is accompanied

    Inspect reticent already

    Sunset family longs for

Orignal From: Wintry evening

In succession slow (light snow)

Wash rice drop of the sound of rain, wind storm rain, wave facile and graceful is aspersed from.

Just be light snow season, gloomy and cold and clinking.

Brim issues sparrow bird a place of strategic importance to shrink, bitter get close to does branch miserable dwell to confuse!

Wind Yi Meng, rain also disease, sad sound removes the old wail that cultivate Bei.

Haze of mist of heaven and earth is obstructed, day miasma pestilence, algidity respectful is killed close!

Hold one's breath disappointed looks, full region of yellow leaf withered grass!

Dribs and drabs, how, desolate chilly meaning?

The winter already came, welcome freezing scope of activity gradually!

Orignal From: In succession slow (light snow)

Grow lovesickness. Light snow

Light snow solar term arrives, weather only then cold, after adding Yi Jiachang, have feel and make " long lovesickness. Light snow " with writing down

The word says:

Wind Xiao Se, day only then cold, light snow solar term already came on stage, earth Gong Cui is decreased,

View the world, also beware of, add Yi Jiachang to protect health, protect dimension early consider.


Orignal From: Grow lovesickness. Light snow

No title

   Go on cragged hill road

The fructification of crowded bumper harvest in a basket carried on the back

Flow to be repeatedly in the bosom of nature

Listening to oneself heartbeat

Suck wind Qing Dynasty to enrage flavor

Rest go up a little while

Glance summit slope falls

Feeling flies to blue sky like the pigeon

Carrying the happiness of one basket on the back

Fasten with path of the setting sun

Simple and unadorned friend

Touching the earth deeply

Still have hill tip that pine

   Fall in love with a person

Can be flashy

Forget a person

Often need very long very long

Those once happy days

In the dribs and drabs of the precipitation in years

Missing in confused life journey

The feeling that is familiar with only never goes far however

Resemble area of spring breeze stroke

Evoke a distressed memory constantly

   In those days the friend had been far from this world

His a basket carried on the back

Resemble a boat

Slip in the ocean of time

   That interest is slack

Resemble a book

Browse constantly in my heart

On November 19, 2017

Orignal From: No title

So quiet

Moon gently illuminate in surface

Two people are leaning close

It is so lingering

The bank does not have a wind

With respect to Lian Liusao

Also forgot to shake

Now and then one cloudlet waves

Cover piquantly

The eye of month

Leave time bashful

Give a lover

Sweet tender dream

Orignal From: So quiet

The clever Wu Gaomiao that · of an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme feels

The clever Wu Gaomiao that · of an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme feels

 2017, 11, 15

The rare things that fold hill turns,

Become warped phoenix wing lightly.

Charm of flourishing age the Tang Dynasty,

Current Yu Dixuan.

Time earths up years,

Precipitation bursts restful.

Sunlight dusk gives birth to burning incense,

Langsheng mirrors Yu Tian.

Zhu Shenggui


Orignal From: The clever Wu Gaomiao that · of an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme feels

The Qu Yuan that chant


   Gao Caiyi can fill personally day,

     bare bravery is lifetime Fu Jiang flows.

     When advocate the sky that do not have an eye is gigantic child,

     have lachrymal Shi Moqiu from coquettish!

             Shan Yihe of day of Liu Gong ()

Orignal From: The Qu Yuan that chant

Red boat, ask you to witness

Preface: Conclude in the 19 big victories of the party a week during, glad hears Xi Jinping's secretary-general to guide members of standing committee of the Political Bureau of Central Committee of Communist Party of China to be driven on a special trip go to Shanghai He Jiaxing, the Communist Party of China of look with reverence one congress location and Na Hugong boat. Review history of found a party, review oath of join or be admitted to the party, declare new leader of a the Party Central Committee's collective sturdy politics belief. Do not forget first heart, remember a mission well, struggle forever. All Party member and the people of all nations times get encouragement, incentive people goes sturdily with the party forever. Recently, the unit organizes a Party member to head for red boat of look with reverence of Jia Xingna lake, look around south lake revolution memorial hall, review oath of join or be admitted to the party, accept party spirit education. Yu Lin its condition, see content consider condition, heart wave is moved, the Shi Ming that chant is written down.


Dusk Ai Chen is heavy,

Lake water is magnificent.

In the cruel summer of that swaying in the midst of a raging storm,

Your stealthily berth is in bank,

A travel-stained guest,

Walk into you leisurely inside cabin.

The red flag with brand-new one side,

Firmly ground is hanged in upper part.

The hook on the red flag and peen design,

Cheek by jowl combination is together,

Glaring self-confident ray.

Tenacious right fist is raised high,

A clang oath,

Resound is by your ear.

Establish next high aim saving the nation to,

Carry a nation to take on greatly.

You hoist the sails from here sailing,

Since the beginning of the history moves toward distance.


Thenceforth rises,

You had resonant the name of the world makes red boat.

Classics of your all previous how many wind and cloud,

Ever encountered how many wave again.

Your calm looks into future like water,

Mention the past to just be like rain of the word that divide smoke.

Accompany billows sound as before lake water,

Send a batch another batch of joyous song laugh language.

The misty rain building that go throughall the vicissitudes of life,

Witnessed the course of your constant.


Sunshine is bright,

Qing Bo ripples.

In this Tian Gaoyun's weak harvest season,

You silently berth is in bank,

What be familiar with already all right is master,

Walk with vigorous strides goes to you,

Raise the eyes to revere you aloof.

That compose has the red flag of golden yellow hook and peen design,

Still be so bright.

Tenacious right fist is raised high,

A clang oath,

Resound is by your ear.

Do not lose firmamental thick ground,

Remember people hope well.

Stand in the current head of new era,

You hoist the sails again sailing.

Along first the course of the heart,

Brave the wind and waves run quickly to the world in the center of.


Red boat, hello!

Of rain of storm of wind of all previous classics you ah,

Witnessed the red flag on the Jinggang Mountains to overflow a west wind,

Witnessed long march road about a hundred fold the iron that does not answer to flow,

Witnessed the dazzling and bright lights below pagoda hill,

Witnessed Xi Baipo to drive the starting point that take an examination of into Beijing,

The firework that in the sky witnessed Tiananmen Square to bloom.

Red boat, hello!

Hold one's head high walk into new era you ah,

Those who ask you to witness the motherland is more brilliant tomorrow!

(make on November 22, 2017)

Orignal From: Red boat, ask you to witness

Sunshine soft sword: Poet, want to search only quiet


Do not want charactizing a fine spring day, want musical light raise only;

Do not want heavy traffic, want Qing Quan shedding to drip only;

Do not want Jing billows ocean wave, want quiet boundless only;

Do not want stream of people to be like tide, want a heart to spend fragrance only.


Keep poetic person, want to hide oneself more,

Search quiet, heart evaporate cool.

Next, in peaceful in think,

Affirmatory, angle is far go the direction of poetic fetch.


I wish the humanitarian content scenery of distance sparks inspirational,

Inner inhospitality becomes rage, brandish pen is bold and unrestrained.


Hope birdie collects the dew that eat drink on the meadow,

Brook of hope mountains and rivers-land peacefully as usual,

Hope dark green surface golden light twinkles,

Hope on the face of people beaming.


Life always is the happiness with infinite expectation,

Blue sky always stays however but with dreariness.

The car still is in cry flute wail cries,

The machine still is sung loudly in insanity.

The typhoon is changing ceaselessly the name destroys everythings on earth,

Airy noise forces you binaural grouting.


Helpless poet, hold a pen cruel in sand blown by wind go,

Low mood, can be only in tolerance argue.

Asp note, be determined to be in black clouds sang,

The nib of air of arrogance, encourage annals is in involute in flaunt one's superiority.


The poet comes from all living creatures, consecratory earth;

Poetry results from the life, article expensive exalted;

Forginging with in hammering into shape, make poetic heart,

With admire desire the blood of the sea, the back of incarnadine poem fetch.

(wrote at Qingdao on September 13, 2017 Rou Jian of 54 square sunshine)



Orignal From: Sunshine soft sword: Poet, want to search only quiet

Love dwell glow greatly

1, buddhist charm

Taking the dust of a suit

How do I sit in

Outside the Gu Si that lay between terrestrial fireworks

Pass through the light of a soul

Devotional pilgrimage Budda Buddha


The maple leaf of full hill

Hold in both hands come the autumn water of one pool

That free captive animals the old chelonian of hundred years

Faint send out a combustion the white sandalwood flavour of chiliad

Filar silk waves in the wind run upon the pagoda tree of that all ages


Bypass the brim horn of cigarette ash

The double palm of put the palms together

Join the deep feeling that realizes lifetime

Had turned a covered corridor or walk with red reddish brown

Amiable eye eye

The consideration of penetrable human nature


This momently

Those who shake off Fan Chen is helpless

The city with flourishing place oneself

Static listen to that abluent lead China sounds of nature

Abandoned metempsychosis

It is the big love in feeling a heart only


 2, double ended radius sleeker


You mounted my car window

Fall in my the brim of a hat

Cram my vanity

With a weak yellow

Or scarlet


My dream


In dream

The tower that that empty changes is pointed   Belfry Buddhist relics child

Temple door  Pool of free captive animals Old pagoda tree


My soul



You are not a leaf

It is one name honour person

You are Budda

The group will enrol those who call out me


3, do not read home

A brilliant poet

Ask me to read   Her

About me

The poem of birthplace

I refused

Charming affection Great-hearted

Have nothing to do with this

Again beautiful article

Also the body appearance that draw does not give dwell glow mountain

Again refined line

Also do not condense to give the inside information of dwell glow temple


I do not read home


She is over there

In the dream  On the heart

Be in light nostalgic in

In sight wears autumn water

In eye eye...


4, autumn

Have a kind of beauty

Those who asperse Man Manshan is red

That is junior the longing when

That is adolescent drive

Have a kind of memory

Those who catch Man Qunshan is yellow

That is the results that a very short time gets along

That is Xu woman half old charm

Morning rises

My prep against is small cool

Go pursueing maple forest smooth shadow

Mist comes loose

I clear away travelling bag

Go meeting the severe test of autumn water


Take the advantage of if really hang full branch

Take the advantage of paddy sweet diffuse bottom of the heart

For love

I am not OK

Again by accident

Aureate autumn

(2017-10-29 Nanjing)

Orignal From: Love dwell glow greatly

Quiet sea

The sun rises

Rosy clouds fragrant sunshine

Leisurely of a boat

In Mu Zaizhan's blue scenery

Taking far to think of 

Rambling billows sound as before bank bank

The heroic posture of old bibcock of primitive simplicity

Silent recounting

Ages ago legend

White aigret gull

Bleating sweep past Hai Feixiang

Croon of gentle breeze shallow chant

Furl billow foam

Rain of every piece silk

Orignal From: Quiet sea

Light snow

Be born in light snow this momently

Your name is decided case

Receive your white garment angel

Resemble the Bai Xue that all over the sky flutters more

Of your loud and clear cry cry

It is wind Blowing snowflake

Give mom Shu Xin's children's song

Your sweet smile

In cold cold winter

It is the love river of warm world

Orignal From: Light snow

Know snow

Green dance Wu Qingling,

Reflect the fine that take evening late.

Snow of fragrance of a thousand li,

Elegant Xie Zhi goes.

Orignal From: Know snow

· of the E that recall the Qin Dynasty chants swan



         West wind is evil, intense of cold light of big desert desert. Cold smooth intense, xuedao flutters, yu Duanqiong is folded.

Happy event can rich river sees swan, west wind is helpless and homocentric goose. Homocentric goose, poet brings up a ceremony, mallard hangs down the forehead.


                       Wuhan aid border pedagogic Liu Fuwen

Orignal From: · of the E that recall the Qin Dynasty chants swan

Quiet force

The sound with silent posse

Bit by bit erode

Cover the body in those are noisy

Emerge to the side of the lip

Emerge to finger tip


The apply colours to a drawing of an autumn night

An attraction

For a short while

Plump and smooth-skinned language is hanged full the tip of a tree

Shed have diarrhoea to be before the window


Xu Piao comes to one Qu Chanle Xu

Persistent ooze embellish

Na Lesheng, rise from tiptoe

Had overflowed ear

Permeate the skin


A quiet force

Garrulous garrulous murmur

active heart and blood

Have a voice

Cut is worn the sentence of full dance of be high up in the air


Halcyon and abundant already was filled with in the heart be filled with rise



Orignal From: Quiet force

Bei Wang Changling


   Ability Gao Jiuxiao moves Yun Xian,

     gas swallows Lou Lan of 3 rivers behead.

     Put bright of bright moon of heart jade crock on the ice,

     smelly all ages of knife of gate grave shade!  

             Wuhan Liu Fuwen

Orignal From: Bei Wang Changling

Gong Xue

Remnant is returned after war what enemy of your affection love hate throws my firm firm fall in loneliness cold winter alone expect is you do not turn round however how I should persuade your persistence of one meaning not to know not to know to be returned for benefit however for the name however is only all corners of the country general

Orignal From: Gong Xue

Assist 19 great mind

    You are lens of one side jade,

       reflect the beautiful image that sees the history.

       You are a beacon,

       enlighten prospective journey!

       Erst years extraordinary,

       the creation in twist is gigantic can.

       The blaze of coal,

       ignite revived passion!

       The be ashamed word of abasement of redress a wrong of word of a station!

       The flourish word with a rich glaring and brilliant word!

       The male word with great call of a strong word!

       Ah, a large ship that we go on a long journey is about actuate!

       Each is like the jack-tar that iron hits dragon!

       Be to should swallow the sea?

       The captain holds high banner one make fall,

       pacific Jing billows straight Chao Tianchong!

     We know very well,

     harships is like huge rock,

     dan Caihong with respect to forwardly!

     Chinese banner,

     between the universe,

     get dance the joyousest,

     wave redlier!

                                   Wuhan aid border teacher Liu Fuwen


Orignal From: Assist 19 great mind

The village that chant

  Name and Gu Jin of father be linked together,

   just connect Zhi Ming with Confucius.

   Gao Zaiqi other people is expensive free,

   suitable day combines name of ground light interest.

Article of Wuhan willow blessing

Orignal From: The village that chant

Consider a person

   Movie of the day that enter a window is inclined

   The wall is hanged imprint again and again

   Think of everybody to be absent

   Empty accept as a souvenir is unbroken



Orignal From: Consider a person

· of an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme watchs Qin Qu to have feeling

· of an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme watchs Qin Qu to have feeling

2017, 11, 9

Rise abruptly prosperous of empire of male the Qin Dynasty,

Power raise the four seas brace up Oriental.

Canal form decides the Baima that pull reins,

Develop allow country of border dew embellish.

Bend sends Qing Xin 1000 carry drunk,

All ages of juice grow pour into fragrant.

Zuo Zuo Zhuo Yi rises China day,

A flower handsome Cheng Zhuang.

Note: 1, the bronze gorge of Ningxia, Wu Zhong, clever fierce advocate fill trunk canal.

Canal mouth leaves in bronze gorge.

2, Bai Ma pulls reins, civilian romaunt,

     Qin Chaoqu's route is accordingly certain.

Zhu Shenggui

Orignal From: · of an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme watchs Qin Qu to have feeling

Sunshine soft sword: If be remained only,have


 Those who sent life is bright,

Greeted dimple and float --


On the road that goes to school then,

Course of how many harships to experience?

Constant noise removes the teacher's instruction by the side of ear,

Go up to also leave the tender feelings that has maternal hand personally.


On the road that does poineering work then,

Tasted terrestrial joys and sorrows of life,

A steely bone is modelled to flow in inhospitality.

Break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, in the cane district of the visit in circling,

Enter south walk along north, in the rule the region in crack.


On the road of that Yo person,

Although exert one's utmost effort,

However already one's pupils or disciples is aromatic,

Because of love irrigate, fruit of spring flower autumn,

Pluvial embellish waves red, the name fills Jiang Dong


On the district that accompanies then,

Two pairs of hands of overgrow callosity,

Housekeeping of hardworking and thrifty, depend on each other,

Family of the multiply in each other love is respected in each other,

Hold with only heat child carry old, how to spend all one's life.


The candle of life kindled lasting love,

Starlight twinkles be pregnant with ageless affection.

Lean on column to watch purl alone,

Raise one's head and look awaits Yuan Fei's swallow to answer.

Because had had plump experience,

Instant one person station also does not become aware in chilly wind cold.

Explain: This poetry ever was sent go up in a website, what an editorial comment falls is pretty good, post will share with everybody:

[editor's note]A life comprehends a poem to write, narrative and clear, write in an easy and fluent style! Life ignited the continuance of love, although exert one's utmost effort, taste terrestrial joys and sorrows of life, still brave break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, enter south walk along north, live in crack and rule the region, lean on column to watch purl alone, the joyance that Jing Xiangcheng result brings and lukewarm dim! Poetry nature is smooth, affection is full and true, the language is compact, be able to bear or endure bearing flavour, recommend appreciation! [editor: The dream locks up Gu sound]

Orignal From: Sunshine soft sword: If be remained only,have

Here, the sky rains no longer

Look at you

The sky ever fell a rain

Like that, brooklet collects underground river

Prediction of a person's luck in a given year is in the earth's core

The sky rains no longer

Tender feelings is in scenic

Settleclear clear ripples

The bateau of love sails Xiang Yunan

Orignal From: Here, the sky rains no longer

Pass annul

An inviting large hole

Admire evil spirit countless

Muddleheaded neighbor

The sky falls pasty If feelings of the masses is mad

Once hesitant How can

Hold off inviting benefit to admire

Of jump multicoloured labyrinthian

Faint direction of difficult differentiate the four seasons


Clever tongue is like reed

Pass square embattle

Brainwashing changes pattern

Such atmosphere go canvassing (Shui)


Make you sway absolutely hesitation

Still have 

Hall Tai Zunxiu

Big wrist sings the praises

Below dazzling neon lamp

Under somebody else's name of evil spirit film is shared successfully

Only numerous person ignorant

Fan drunk visional Still be in to the top of one's bent

Make to other marry clothes

Fortunately practice is

Best time test and verify

Time is

The history measures a lie best

Once lie egg defeats an oar

All camouflage were become

Imperial new clothes

Wake wake

Kind-hearted neighborhood neighbor

Weather channel fulfil is diligent 

Labor halo

Only deal with concrete matters relating to work this true

Just won't injury of god of work with one's mind or brains

There is Immanuel on the world

Rely on oneself happily only strong

Orignal From: Pass annul


     Stepping icy stone rank

     Free rambling aimlessly

     Strange stone, stone dish, ball of root carve, celestial being

     Do not know when to already arrived in crater

     Blow on the face of a cold wind and over-

     I remembered you again

     In those days I cannot exercise restraint

     despotic affection

     Volcano erupts like bend is narrated

     That blazing heart is pressing show

     The frit oar of love flows into to you

     Can be your reaction

     Show suddenly like Siberia cold current

     Frit oar quick-freeze, dormant

     Formation bruise up to now still new

     The flower dies of old age, the wood is withered dead

     Mood of dirt ash block

     That 1000 sore the lava of 100 aperture is my broken heart

     My meeting will love dusty, collect carefully

     Wait for you to turn meaning

 Note: This work is the place after crater of big talk of writer play Hainan to write; Already published on November 19, 2017 " big talk daily " the 7th edition.

Orignal From: Crater

Building of harships of the West Hunan after that year of Xie

Those who hearing back Lou song is long

Of building of foot seeing put in a fur lining fly upwards

It is the trip that one Yi says to go originally

Gave however rainbow bridge is drunk river of lying a small bay in a river

Laugh what eye answers below Neon skirt

Let the Chu Yang of border town

Pull the alley of water Mo Gu that gives money of affection deep fund

Clogs is fourth

Condole foot answers eye downstairs

The crisscross that ased if to pass 500 years

It is this only momently if detailed

It is an eye of that an instant

Let the collected works that Shenyang fizzles out from civil extensive

Also hike up the Mi of lovesickness is smooth

That damp fine willow rain

Be just like a paragraph cannot of disappoint live thing

Hang the river side of river of full a small bay in a river

Let a person put the phoenix of no less than drunk beauty

Orignal From: Building of harships of the West Hunan after that year of Xie

Chant minister change



     Snow-white pine is straight a hill,

     gu Jin 10 thousand civilian admire a head to look.

     Shi Jiren disgrace makes Modao,

     say rings can open a season only!


                             Wuhan Liu Fuwen    

Orignal From: Chant minister change

Accidental with green skin train

Green skin train

Along the way that the setting sun leaves on the west

Reave my longing

Inspirational and abrupt flash

Debus flies igneous annulus

However with 3 cups of accidental coffee

Meet by chance

Happy heart beats

Already cannot see that run green line

The of 10 curved month at the beginning of October

Full idea

That is green skin train

Pile up the place of booty

2017, 11, 27 Nanjing

Orignal From: Accidental with green skin train


Those who fall down is the rain of 7 colour

Still be transparent tear

Below banyan originally empty spirit

Already float does not rise be flushed with drink red shallow drunk

Be over the bodhi in writing down a hand is beautiful

Lose is in which the other shore

The yellow sanded bury of all over the sky is worn heart base

Faded film

Develop becomes the scenery of how much journey

Answer put superimposition to once adorned yours

Drift in between the lines antediluvian

Affecting March artful like that

Crowded do not take the heart door leaf that shut

My factor years

Synthesize that to grow long trill

The water Chinese ink of days spreads the charm of Changjiang Delta

Orignal From: Lose

The song of balance


Anything that misleads people of tobacco of bright examine wind

Not demit hardships dangerous and difficult road

Very modest of breadth of mind

Remain uncorrupted of a suit healthy atmosphere

It is people judge

Sincere feelings

For balance not bend bright mirror is not had corrupt


Hang legal benefit sword high

Punish severely strong bridge evil corrupt

Mould of volitional iron and steel

Be like,execute the law hill upright not A

It is people judge

Years old year old annual clinging

Let colour of day of brightness of all one's life always be stationed in


Orignal From: The song of balance

View film " Chinese flowering crabapple as before " eulogy premier



    The face is like hill like spring breeze heart,

       character is like Jin Sheng to be like a boat all right.

       After spare no effort in the performance of one's duty is dead already,

       hua Shaqing Shi Modai is passed!

                     Wuhan Liu Fuwen



Orignal From: View film " Chinese flowering crabapple as before " eulogy premier

Below Chinese parasol tree

Straightforward truncal

Wide lamina

Cover of the sun bashful

Held off lunar cool detachment

Inspect silently to the lover

Affectionate attaching is in pupil

Carry each other hand

Allow Chinese parasol give evidence

Issue immortal oath to love to stand

Lift case Qi Mei to always be in sincerely

Respect the seas run dry and the rocks crumble that be like guest

Orignal From: Below Chinese parasol tree