Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sunshine soft sword: If be remained only,have


 Those who sent life is bright,

Greeted dimple and float --


On the road that goes to school then,

Course of how many harships to experience?

Constant noise removes the teacher's instruction by the side of ear,

Go up to also leave the tender feelings that has maternal hand personally.


On the road that does poineering work then,

Tasted terrestrial joys and sorrows of life,

A steely bone is modelled to flow in inhospitality.

Break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, in the cane district of the visit in circling,

Enter south walk along north, in the rule the region in crack.


On the road of that Yo person,

Although exert one's utmost effort,

However already one's pupils or disciples is aromatic,

Because of love irrigate, fruit of spring flower autumn,

Pluvial embellish waves red, the name fills Jiang Dong


On the district that accompanies then,

Two pairs of hands of overgrow callosity,

Housekeeping of hardworking and thrifty, depend on each other,

Family of the multiply in each other love is respected in each other,

Hold with only heat child carry old, how to spend all one's life.


The candle of life kindled lasting love,

Starlight twinkles be pregnant with ageless affection.

Lean on column to watch purl alone,

Raise one's head and look awaits Yuan Fei's swallow to answer.

Because had had plump experience,

Instant one person station also does not become aware in chilly wind cold.

Explain: This poetry ever was sent go up in a website, what an editorial comment falls is pretty good, post will share with everybody:

[editor's note]A life comprehends a poem to write, narrative and clear, write in an easy and fluent style! Life ignited the continuance of love, although exert one's utmost effort, taste terrestrial joys and sorrows of life, still brave break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, enter south walk along north, live in crack and rule the region, lean on column to watch purl alone, the joyance that Jing Xiangcheng result brings and lukewarm dim! Poetry nature is smooth, affection is full and true, the language is compact, be able to bear or endure bearing flavour, recommend appreciation! [editor: The dream locks up Gu sound]

Orignal From: Sunshine soft sword: If be remained only,have

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