Saturday, April 28, 2018

Rowing Season - Three Tips for Getting Ready


As we approached May, we all bid farewell to the terrible winter that we (Northeasterns) had just endured, and we couldn't wait to say hello to the best season for all seasons: the boating season. In the past few years, I have discovered that whenever I start to travel for the first time in excitement, I will ignore some small things. In turn, this usually relieves my first pleasure because I spent half a day looking for something I couldn't find, and spent hours thinking about where I could put this or that, or just for me. I am angry that I am not fully prepared. Now, I am a half-full man, so I tried to look at a bigger picture and said to myself: "Well, you are a human being and made some mistakes to make up for the mistakes that occurred this summer." [19659002] The perfectionist in me will pop up and say, "How could you forget to check Y? Did you ignore Z?". So as the weather gets better and the boating season gets better and better, here are three important tips for getting yourself and your boat ready for this amazing time of the year.

Maybe this is my overprotected parent, but I must start with safety first. Go through your boat and make sure that you have the final project related to safety. Even if you are active, you have to be on the boat and check it carefully. Then triple check it. Make sure your life jackets are fully occupied and it looks like they are in good condition. Find your first aid kit, inventory it and add it as needed. Perhaps most importantly, check your Navy VHF radio. Once it is found, check the battery level.

If they are rechargeable, then make sure they have enough power. If they are disposable, be sure to replace the Navy VHF unit with a new one (and stock up with a large number of backups). Next, turn on the Marine VHF radio and test it to see if it works, to make sure that you can call the SOS if necessary. You can't care too much about the above steps. Many times we are excited, we will ignore all the necessary precautions. Please prepare a safety checklist and make sure that every item on the list will be taken care of before your first trip.

Another safety tip, and then we will arrive at the interesting part, I promise. What you need to do next is to check the exterior and interior of the actual boat. Check for any holes. Scour any possible leak source. A few months later, depending on where you store your boat, many different things can be eaten on the outside and cause some decay. This may seem obvious, but as I said, it is sometimes apparent that it is due to the level of exclusion.

Finally, I like to give my boat an aesthetic before every season. I checked all the paint jobs, interior decorations, electronic equipment, etc. If the paint begins to peel off, then I will give it a coat. If the interior shows signs of wear and tear, then I will make sure it is fixed. I like to entertain on my boat, so these types of things are important to me.

Most of my boating community friends are the same. Like your home, you want people to be impressed and rest assured on your boat. This gives me the last hint to make sure that you have your "party master" supplies to take care of. I like to go to a wholesale supermarket and fill my boat with various foods and drinks for two reasons. First of all, of course, for safety. In an emergency, I always make sure that my emergency water and canned food reserves are more than sufficient. Second, when I hosted the company on my boat, I hated food and drinks. By making a party list before the season begins, you can ensure that you always have a complete inventory of supplies.

With each increase of 70 degrees, the strength of our building blocks continues to increase. Please do not miss the safety check of your boat before your first ride this spring. In accordance with the above rules, you should have an interesting, healthy, and (most important) safe boating season. Please enjoy!


Orignal From: Rowing Season - Three Tips for Getting Ready

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