Thursday, March 29, 2018

An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme 5 (Xin Yun)

Kiln of 1. horse home

Kiln of home of Gansu right horse, brilliance Pi admires beautiful.

Wo Ye of Tao river grow, beautiful day mirrors Jiang Jiao.

Affectionately Sai Xianzu, ancient painted pottery of brilliant brilliant assist.

Humanitarian a stage is long, evolution sees today.

2. cobble steamed bun

Lintiao is delicate numerous, way way has flourish to talk.

In flapjack Jiang stone, by the side of the Gu Miao that pick capable person.

Reputation raise far and near, lubricious flavour sighs complete in both respects.

Filial piety justice urges person tear, joss sticks and candles provides dinner for station celestial being.

3. Lin Weidao

Lintiao arrives source of short for Weihe River, since ancient times journey difficult.

Excessive water does not have normal, dong Chuan has dispatch to rapid.

Guan Shan Zuo 9, the passenger is exhausted reticent.

Below highway exceeding lofty or great, chase after former times to make an interest talk.

4. Chinese grave group (Xin Yun)

 Dense wood is rare, too Wei bury Dong Chuan.

Depressed south the foot of a hill, by the side of clear excessive water.

Scene poem has been drawn, children leaf branch is numerous.

Li is very tall tree, lintiao is source.

5. Rong Jiangting

Yue Lu has marvellous spectacle, rong Ting stands tall and upright awesomely.

The general inscribes Juan sentence, hill of feat shake day.

Sweat irrigates border district, green Zhan Xuelian.

Roc tall high aspiration, predestined relationship of children catalpa mulberry.

Orignal From: An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme 5 (Xin Yun)

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