Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Change all the way butterfly

Flower and poetry

In bedraggled hamlet meets unexpectedly

Embrace closely together

You are not is exclusive eyewitness

The cloud of whole sky backside

Covered double eye together

Zuo is actually beautiful with poetry have not is acquainted

It is a kind of odour only

Let them find the way of mutual union

The cloud cluster of celestial white of blue

And the alpenglow that rises and the setting sun

The instant is besmeared Ran Chengmei rares completely

Become the spring of whole disturbance with bright red tonal shop

Be just as an asp brush

Draw the outline of all and bashful Cang Feng

Vision and hearing all oneself break acute hearing

Flower and poetry

Run quickly madly all the way from distant place

A mythological years is deduced in love

Embrace two ancestral specimens

However she can revive however

In the image of your montage

They found the testimony that each other love each other

Poems of a certain number of a love after year

Stop abruptly in the lover acuteness in breathing

Wave subsequently falling leaf

Be in today in sky of person imagination heart

(Lu Ruchang)

Orignal From: Change all the way butterfly

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