Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Forever Yellow River

Forever Yellow River, fervor is enthusiastic.

Bearing the weight of the hope of the Chinese nation, bearing the weight of of the Chinese nation place.

Run quickly to the sea, run quickly to blue sky, the world that runs quickly to the world to yearn for most.

On journey road: Rough, Qia Zhen is alled over wild.

But, no matter how old difficulty, also cannot have held back her.

Make us right her pay homage to!

Make us true to her love persistence!

Because of us forever person, enjoying her v/arc bounties bestowed by a monarch or an official.

Let us applause for her, let us congratulate for her:

Gallop do not cease thousands of all ages, full of power and grandeur.

Be pregnant with great the Chinese nation, irrigate a the most beautiful the land of country.

Great Yellow River, dear mother:

Your to the top of one's bent growl!

Forever the Yellow River, great mother:

You howl to the top of one's bent!

This is you to children, most of impassioned recount.

This is pair of the Chinese nation, most the paean with bold and generous passion.

Ghosts and gods cries no longer, the land of country stunneds no longer.

They are in and surfy a joyous dance, a joy.

Had gone together today, trend tomorrow, trend -- the brilliant world of the happiest happiness.

Orignal From: Forever Yellow River

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