Thursday, March 29, 2018

Month of stars be ashamed (outside)

Round of red month rises green jade day

Numerous star illuminates Qi Lian every time

Dance of the middle of forhead of beetle of brandish thing Jade Hare-the moon

Grand carries Hua Yu falls the world

Qing Chuan of be ashamed month

Civil / cold Mei Aoxue

Qing Chuan of surplus of be ashamed month

Cold ice mirrors highland

Dance of divine eagle blue sky

Big desert setting sun is round

Afterglow overspreads wind to rise

Lakefront of breath of flocks and herds

Receive whip to hide coat gown

Frame house rises smoke from kitchen chimneys

Hall of joy full hall

A general term for a certain two stringed bowed instruments puts a song far

Admire eulogy flourishing age

Lucky laugh high in the clouds

Orignal From: Month of stars be ashamed (outside)

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