Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Rural ramble (3)

Rural ramble

Birthplace of go for a walk in the country in spring in March

Admire the beauty of flowers person, use those who step year

Footstep, the distance of measure willow and peach

Love has many far

Muttering cole is beautiful

Let ____ of my take a photo as a souvenir

Give her

Southern butterfly

From small letter, give me

One face be ashamed is lubricious

The kiss is insufficient

What go on the west come east " the daughter is red "

drunk poet

Of skinful read aloud want

Spring in March, clear water

Cleanse heart

After source of rambling peach blossom

Play the hand

On the west inclined dusk

Pull love

The soft double bed inside house

Gu Tongguan

Wine of one crock chiliad

Qi Shui by day, the month is elaborate

Fire and into

The jade fluid of a city

Who be the five classics of the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius)

Fill enters Chen Lu in holding bottle

Fill is not drunk accipitral loneliness

However fuddle a flock of lovesickness

The wine of birthplace

In poem and picture, in passionate climax


the scenery of hill city, bake red

King of recall the Song Dynasty officerses and men subordinately

In drinker's wager game, yao 5 drink 6

To the top of one's bent the shout is flush fuddle one's cap

Of Gu Tongguan forthright, play

Incisively and vividly

Express an information

So clever

half drunk moonlight besmear labrum

It is a kiss only that

The country that fall in love at first sight and hero

The downy wind with sweet wine

Ground of vicissitudes of life dare not answer those who look at Gu Tongguan

Poetic eye, companion the rising sun east rise

Huaichun March

In March, knock

Milk has not been heated up good

A few vocabularies, random footstep

Hospitable smile

On peach branch, rank

Wrapping around spring breeze, meet belated love

Your temperature, 37 degrees

Maintain the space in me

The sparrow outside the door, argute

For long other personal relationships, stand sentry

By yesterday evening snow, knead the pectoral abdomen that pass

Right now, dark those who give green is additional kind

Of cover up a scandal pink

Be being bitten by a poem, not

Appointment in March, tie baby blue tie

Imagine among them, be like blaze

The hardness contrariwise of arrowhead is being chased after

Pursueing a kind of objective

Huaichun in March, really arrogant

Ate tender in Feburary grass stealthily stealthily

Labial edge leaves popular image and love fluid

The person that be depastured, drink works

One river puts water on the ice, open in book

Have an organization, whereaboutldirection ground moves

Some kind of devree, stay in either end of a bridge

For in June, in September, point to a road

(Shaanxi copper plain Guo Zong company)

Orignal From: Rural ramble (3)

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