Thursday, March 29, 2018

White pool affection

Shallow taste on the west child Pin Yanshan

White still Tan Shui is the sweetest

3 load spend smoke willow rain

Hundred years red sleeve in all fisher

All previous classics 10 thousand water and 1000 hill

Although Qin Ling is tall compare a shoulder only

Perusal is carefree song length hate

Cut hard red abandon happy spring

Blue waves swings overflow water reaching the sky

Billow of green island dancing makes a boat

Spring kind seed of Mai Zhongyi bead

Autumn harvest violet tree 10 thousand cotton

Zuo of lampwick adventitious north why

Pond of fish dive carry on one's shoulder uses ground song

Even if be a person,make an appointment with Qiu Yue little

Water of white pool lake sways sentiment wave

Smoke from kitchen chimneys waves in the wind spruce Bai Yun

Rinse sweet rain of carry on one's shoulder makes reputation

Beautiful season of flower of snow month wind is little

Toad calls green bank village

Break horizon break the cloud in the dream

Pick up a Bai Xue to wash dust settled in journey

Lachrymal sky flies to Mo Xilao asperse

Billow hits Hua Kairun this body

Note: White Tan Hu is the alma mater of times of author middle school.

Orignal From: White pool affection

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