Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sunday Introductory Class + Open Studio

Sunday Introductory Class + Open Studio
If you're new to mosaics or need a refresher, please plan on Sugarloose's introductory class. These classes are often offered at the same time as open studio, but feature a 12×12 sized stepping stone (wooden boards are also available for interior use projects). Please see our idea boards on the website and pinterest to have a project in mind when you arrive. Betsy is happy to consult ahead of time so that you can utilize the full 3 hours of studio time to finish gluing your project. Any unfinished projects are welcome to return for open studio to complete at open studio prices. OR Open studio is offered for anyone who has attended an introductory class at Sugarloose Designs. You may bring your own project base or purchase wooden and/or stone bases at the studio. Open Studio - .00 Introductory - .00

at Sugarloose Designs
181 Bryn Mawr
San Antonio, United States

Orignal From: Sunday Introductory Class + Open Studio

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