Saturday, April 23, 2016

Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)

Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)
If looking to delve a little deeper into meditation then the 8 Week Chakra Meditation Course from Seventh Heaven caters just this. Over the 8 weeks you will gain knowledge on the 7 chakras of the body, what they represent on a physical, emotional and mental level; plus blended into a various style of meditations, breathing & grounding techniques. By working through the chakra system you begin a journey of self-exploaration, bringing about a much more balanced. healthier and positive YOU! The 8 Week Chakra Meditation Course really is a begining for transformation, and many students have given this feedback. From Friday 1st April - 20th May  11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS   Testimonial "Everyone can benefit from meditation and in my experience the results are not only life-changing but also fantastic. The way in which my mind works is changing, I have greater clarity, confidence and self-belief in all aspects of my life - both on a personal and professional level. The one-hour weekly session helps me recharge my batteries and invigorates my mind which results in higher motivation levels for me. I don't understand why I waited so long to practice something that is bringing amazing benefits to my life." Joanne Campbell, HR Manager of Barclay Communications.      "This is a great taster course to dip your toe in the vast potential that is meditation. I found it helped me keep my focus during the week. It can be hard to be upbeat and positive everyday but with Kim's courses it's becoming second nature." Katrina Doran, Editor of Sugahfix "I look forward to the mediation class all week - knowing I'm going to chill out and let any stress that has built up during the week go. I get the best nights sleep and am rejuvenated for the weekend." Pamela Smyth, Head Makeup Artist at The Makeup Dept. "Been on two of Kim's courses back to back. It's so good to find out about your inner self. Found it very helpful with confidence, stress and relaxation. Would definitely recommend to anyone." Nichola O'Neill, Freelance MUA

at Flow Studio Belfast - Yoga
52 Hill Street
Belfast, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)

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