Saturday, April 23, 2016

UC Irvine Summer Academies in the Arts

UC Irvine Summer Academies in the Arts
The Summer Academies in the Arts are intensive courses that explore the arts and enhance 21st century skills, support college and career goals, and build self-confidence and leadership. The only Orange County program of its kind offered by a university, students get to experience life as an undergraduate arts major! From taking college level classes in Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Robotics taught by graduate instructors, industry professionals and faculty, to networking and even having the option to live on campus, it's the perfect opportunity for learning and development in a fun, challenging environment. Scholarships and Financial Aid available!

at Claire Trevor School of the Arts
4002 Mesa Rd
Irvine, United States

Orignal From: UC Irvine Summer Academies in the Arts

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