Saturday, April 23, 2016

LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event

LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event
LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~ Topanga Canyon Ceremonial Weekend Camping Event Saturday, April 23, 2016 11:11am - Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:33pm Limited to the first 33 open minded transformers to purchase tickets ! The Premiere LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ Topanga Canyon Earth Day launch party is a two day camping getaway FULL MOON weekend. Saturday~ 11:11am Earth Day Arrivals BEgin. Soul Shower ~ energetic activation by Ascention Architects Crystal Gift from The Verde River, Sedona Arizona vicinity: Gratis Eric Senchuk and Mother Earth Elixir, juice &/or tea: by HerbalThom/ Cheri Rae 1:11pm "LIGHT" hike to Native American cave meditation: S. Stephen Huntsman "Qi" "Grounding" Tree ~ Earth Energy exchange LovEarth Crystal Grid Ceremony: Eric Senchuk 3:33pm YOGA ~ Peace Yoga Gallery "PEACE TRAIN": Cheri Rae & Crew         Accompanied with & throughout: Live music experience: world touring-acclaimed recording artists & DJs. 432 hertz Sound Healing vibrational healing sessions Organic plant based Dinner & Dessert: EPIC nourishment via Cheri Rae!!! Light Alchemy sessions that activate pineal gland and send you on a higher dimensional trip.  Alex Young. South American Cacao Ceremony with AleXander SharOne GROOVE TEMPLE !!! Dancers- Live Artists: and YOU! Cuddle puddle "SQUISHING" roll about! Hot tub time  (filtered tub water ;) CAMPING! Sleep,maybe? Under the Stars around Crystal Grid beneath Native American caves. Tent space limited/ bring own options. Tents Thanks Peyton Wallace!                                             Sunday~ Sunrise Salutations & Meditations Elixir, juice &/or tea: by Ascension Architects, Herbal Thom & or Cheri Rae Qi Gong - Breath EMPOWERMENT [better than caffeine will ever be!] Flooding the entire Being with Qi, Prana: LIFE FORCE ENERGY. Herbal Thom 11:11am Ohm Sound Bath "SOUL DANCE" &  MUSIC with Karlita or Larisa Gosia 1:11pm 3:33pm OPTIONS. Hiking / Meditating / Hot tubbing / sun worshipping / DANCING? / NOTHING! Closing "OPENING HEART" Grateful for Earth Ceremonial Sharing opportunity - Chanting Hug off Limited to 33 participants, first to pay ...  first to play!  THE DEAL : ALL INCLUSIVE  1.11 Love offering. Get Tickets via Green Get Tickets button above... directions/parking instructions will be supplied upon payment. Tent space available. Have your own tent? Bring it if you wish. Let the fun time FULL MOON transformations begin. This is a sans alcohol event. More about the Earth Day Event Schedule Below! The Premiere LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ Topanga Canyon Earth Day launch party is a two day camping getaway FULL MOON weekend. A luscious communion of conscious individuals  seeking to have an epic experience with like minded activators. Grounding, literally, in the gorgeous "Sedona esque" Topanga Canyon Red Rock Santa Monica Native American Mountains. Set within an hours drive from anywhere in LA County,  15 - 30 minutes to Santa Monica, the private chateau and headquarters of nestled in a canyon at the end of a dirt road. Expect the best organic plant based food ever, coupled with the most passionate yoga, soul dance activators we have yet to find.. mixed with live delicious artists, music, light~sound vibrational healings with eclectic ceremonies of assorted varieties and energy workers. Saturday:  Plan on landing in our dynamic energetic portal anytime after 11:11am to receive a crystal gift from the Verde River outside of Sedona Arizona. This will be used for the Crystal Grid Ceremony. Arrive to an energetic soul shower, bathed with shamanic potions and frequencies love-crafted by Ascension Architects. Sip & enjoy a scrumptious activating elixir, juice and / or tea. Launching promptly at 3:33 pm with the Land Honoring Ceremony followed by Earth Grounding Reconnection session. "Light" Hike time! Enjoy short hike to & meditation in Native American Caves tucked away in the Santa Monica Mountains. Go "within" during the best yoga ever! Cheri Rae of Peace Yoga Gallery DTLA accompanied by live vibes and concluding with a transformational sound bath. Let's eat!  Cheri Rae's world-famous plant based organic food, dinner & dessert. YUMMMM!! "Light Alchemy" sessions that activate pineal gland and send you on a higher dimensional trip. Generate profound trance and meditation states ideal for deepening personal and spiritual development progress. Cacao Ceremony, Live music & artists around the fire into the night. Enjoy playing an instrument? Bring it along. Jam sessions throughout with Cuddle puddle and "squish" time to ensue. Hot tub available. Wake up to the new you!  (That's if you've had any sleep...) To a sunrise salutation and Qigong breath empowerment session. Breathe in the new day and the new you to harmonious 432 Hertz sound healing vibrations and scrumptious juices and smoothies! 11:11am starts the final Yoga Circle and 1:11pm is the closing ceremony. Get Tickets via Green Get Tickets button above... directions/parking instructions will be supplied upon payment. THE SOUL DANCE Connecting the beats of your heart with the heart of Mother Earth Connecting every cell with the power intelligence of the Sun Opening crown chakra to receive the frequency of the Universe Vibrating the body with the creator energy of Love Becoming energy, one, swimming with all, no limitation of the material body Letting go of the matter and becoming energy… flowing, moving, shaking, expressing the whole universe through each movement and aligning the sound of your body with the oneness… To be conscious of every movement of our soul and body aligning all the spectrum with full power in the present of now to co-create any reality with the power… moving, loving and living in our temple that is our body in full power of Love… Letting go of paradigms of how we should move, dance and express To be dancing with the universe of our own reality The dance of freedom is what I call this ritual WELCOME!

at Topanga Canyon Gallery
120 Pine Tree Circle
Topanga, United States

Orignal From: LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event

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