In the night that always heats up in broil, Look up at stars, Long for your tenderness former days. Be unable to bear or endure dawn steps a pace, Along your spread out all the way deep green shallow red, Agog ground go at in your bosom. You are smiling, Elegant and missish, The tip of the tongue is touched contain morning dew, Kiss the forehead of my boiling hot. Sweetness and fragrance diffuse from your lip edge, Till flood my nose larynx. I tremble consider wants to embrace you, Capture the one sleeve of your Neon skirt only however. Then, You take me to fly, In the Yun Li of white lingering, The Gao Yuanhe that feels a sky is free. On abstruse and azure sea, Unreal changes the Yu Zhou of every piece Gui Fan. In the open country that crisscross footpaths between fields lengths and breadth of land, The bare yellow orange color that you let me witness your edify is violet. In wind-bell crane chirp, You let me hear the joyance that you deliver and maturity. Cross the town of time excessive colour, Wave fall winding the Song Shanxi of settleclear clear flows, You invite the bright moon bright according to, Dense the poetic flavour that removes king dimension Shan Juqiu to set. You and cool breeze in all dance, Come back those who give Changjiang Delta northland is strong beautiful samite. Your jade points to express feeling, Daub is worn land 10 thousand lis multicolored picture scroll. Your affection immensity, Hang great achievements of again and again full branch. You will put in the chatter of wild goose 's charge, Send the dreamland of the person that go on a long journey. Your results heavy, A place of strategic importance moves round into the back that come home. You stroke earth harp gently, Achieve soundses of nature and sing. You open wide extensive mind, Melt with warmth sadness leaves anxious. Ah, of beautiful deep feeling you! Altruistic and broad you! Although your smile eventually will gaunt, Although you take away the days that is flowed to drip, Can be me, The seed that laid your wisdom already was buried in the thought, Chest is burning the rice wine that you make with broomcorn wine, I can stand in the crossing with ice and snow and ablaze alternant this world, Call you again wait! |
Orignal From: Qiu Lian
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