Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wait for you to be in old place

Dan Yunnuan is in relief                                                                                    

Charactizing a fine spring day                                                                                  

Wrap around there is a violet skirt in a black                                                                       

Carry the south dawn of a pink clouds                                                                                 

The about in yesterday evening dream                                                                              

As it happens is encountered here                                                                             

Drunk beauty half city landscape                                                                              

Full city tangerine is sweet


Your moving eye eye Qing Dynasty is pure bright                                                                                

The beautiful hair spring breeze that reachs a waist ripples                                                                         

I have not enough time                                                               

Have not enough time to think again                                                             

Holding your comely face in both hands affectionately                                                   

How be casual                                                            

With respect to the tear red orbit                                                           

The predestined relationship will be here

Here already became our old place 


Catch Huang Xiyang when autumn water                                                    

I wait for you to be in old place                                                        

Enter lane when flying Xue Piao                                                            

I wait for you to be in old place                                                        

I wait for you to wait for you                                                           

Wait for you to be in old place                                                       

Do not be afraid that the way is too long                                                          

Do not be afraid of waste of land old sky                                         

I wait for you to wait for you                                                            

Wait for you to be in old place from beginning to end                                                    

 Catch Bai Shuang till black hair

Orignal From: Wait for you to be in old place

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