Thursday, March 29, 2018

[Zhu Huabing prose poem] the mutation of wind

The mutation of wind

Civil / Zhu Huabing (net name: Sunshine soft sword)


  Calm is like water, water Qing Dynasty is like lens; The heart is not static because of fire, water is not clear because of wind.

   Pluvial brilliant if bead, bead be like,shine jade-like stone; Rain not brilliant because chaotic, bead because of,splatter wind.

   Xue Piao 6 arris, arris beauty is picturesque; Snow ungodliness because dirt, arris cruel calamity because wind.


   Wind is extremely evil source, wind is amorous feelings 10 thousand kinds. Wind, fostered everythings on earth, wind, also botch the people.

   When chill, 100 barge dormancy, 10 thousand lis icebound, approach of the ice below brim mirrors window head. Warm now and then wind slowly, make popular feeling free from worries magical happy, promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid below the foot.

   When midsummer, heat wave rolls, sweat drop sanded evaporate, fade of the spring on the head is mean. Blow gently of cool now and then wind, make person withered cropland treats water, heart bright lake is clear.


   Spring breeze, you are dreamy emissary, you use that fine little hand, light kiss garment, in sweet insufflate heart. Alpenglow bath is full of affection.

   Autumn wind, you are the bodyguard of the bumper harvest, you use that strong shoulder, festively singing and dancing, in sending one season great achievements into the home. The setting sun mirrors facial heart boiling.

   Love wind, you are life build advocate, the air of love, phlogistic anger rises in be being blown you are coldly, hot you are intoxicated in free sky. Pull a hand to pick travel of lunar day and night.

   Affection wind, you are changes is impish, the predestined relationship of demon, suction your soul gives scabbard, sell oneself or a member of one's family begs flourish, become generation illicit sexual relations, a gang prostitute is male. A young lady is subdued a flock of curule, night grows amorous feelings, someone cries, also somebody beats.


   Evil wind, a heart knows abdomen bright double-edged sword. Wearing look: Smiling face is bright, bow faithful, a bag of face, a pail of oil sends in arriving home. Turning over look: Cruel and unscrupulous, dangerous ferocious. All the time, stealing chicken to feel a dog. They make up in with multiterminal of the do evil in concealing, however, act as in a curse again hero. Dangerous is mantis shake large tree not just, ant can break through a bank, have more very person, create a new expression: Give sb a present does not pay offer a bribe, make visit; Evil wind is not frame-up, call a wind.


   . . . . . .


   Calm is like water, static Sai Rufeng,

   I wish water is clear, will all the way light breeze.


   (sunshine soft sword is created formerly on Feburary 5, 2013)

Orignal From: [Zhu Huabing prose poem] the mutation of wind

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