Monday, April 25, 2016

The Research Proposal

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2016 Fintech Law in Asia

2016 Fintech Law in Asia
The main objective of the conference is bringing together legal scholars and practitioners in a collaborative environment to share experiences and discuss issues relating to Fintech Law. This will be substantial matter for the development of Fintech Law in Asia. Additionally, the conference will include round table discussion and workshop session from April 27th – 29th ,2016 of which some of Fintech platforms already accepted our invitation to become the speakers in the conference.

Funded by

"Cross-Border Legal Institution Design" (Program for Leading Graduate Schools), Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University, Japan.

Who should apply?

Faculty and researchers, practitioners and any person who is interested in the areas of Internet Finance, your attendance is greatly appreciated.


There is no attendance fee for admitted participants. However, participants are responsible for their own travel costs and accommodations in Japan. Coffee and snacks will be provided by the conference.We can provide you further information regarding accommodation and visa requirement.

About the featured speakers

Robert Wardrop
( Executive Director, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge )

Dr. Robert Wardrop, Executive Director of Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge will be a key speaker of the conference. Dr. Robert will share their recent research which is the 2015 Asia-Pacific Alternative Finance Benchmarking Survey in the conference including the data from more than 400 Fintech platforms in China and Asia-pacific region.

Official and Media Links

Please access following link from Nagoya University for more detailed information:
You can also know this conference by following media link:

Venue Access

From Nagoya Station: Take the Subway Higashiyama Line to Motoyama Sta. (15 minutes), then transfer to the Subway Meijo Line to Nagoya Daigaku Sta. (Higashiyama Campus is just off the subway exit.).
From Centrair (Central Japan International Airport): Take the Meitetsu Line to Kanayama Sta. (30 min.), then transfer to the Subway Meijyo Line to Nagoya Daigaku Sta. (21 min.).

at Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku Toyoda Auditorium Hall
Nagoya, Japan

Orignal From: 2016 Fintech Law in Asia

Increasing market share by increasing share of mind - By AtoZ Compliance.

Increasing market share by increasing share of mind - By AtoZ Compliance.
Speaker: Kenneth Banks

Key Take Away:

Understanding the brain's four thinking preferences through BrainBranding - and how these preferences translate into consumer buying styles, will enable you to create not only a better brand - but also an innovative branding and marketing strategy by connecting your brand with more people.


• An understanding of what branding really is and the steps to an effective brand strategy
• An understanding of how the brain thinks and the four thinking/buying styles that govern how people buy products and/or services
• Examples of people and companies for each buying style. How do successful brands reach more than one buying style
• How this process (BrainBranding) applies to both product/services and also personal brands
• How to better communicate with prospects to make sure that your brand resonates with more of them and develops a relationship

Why Should You Attend:

Fear: Many brands fail to differentiate themselves from the competition because they often try to emulate what the other successful competitors have done with similar products or services. Marketers are afraid that customers won't recognize and value the differentiating key points of the brand and therefore they try to say the same thing and offer the same benefits that the other brands offer.

In fact, they get lost in a sea of similarity and fail to gain market share in the process or fail altogether. By understanding what motivates the customers to choose one brand over another, the brand fails to develop a relationship with the customer and thus there is no loyalty nor recognition of why one should continue to purchase and use one brand over another.
Uncertainty: Faced with this the marketer often resorts to the most common denominator and that is often price. Feeling that price is the prime motivator, the marketer resorts to one promotion after another and becomes obsessed with driving sales and trial through discounts and sales events that look just like the competitors.

Price perception is only one part of the equation. It's important to build understanding of what differentiates one brand and why the customer should remain loyal to yours and not the competition. To do this, you have to understand how the customers think and what motivates them to try one product or service over another. What will stimulate them and create an emotional value to more customers more often.

Doubt: In an era of CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing), the tendency is to try to define the target customer so specifically and to narrow the appeal that many potential customers are never reached with the message even though there is value to be had. By broadening the features and then communicating in more than one way, the brand can resonate with more customers, more often. You must understand the four ways that the brain thinks when making buying decisions and then developing a brand that will appeal to each one by speaking their language and hitting the key points in an appealing way.

We call this BrainBranding and it's a way to look differently at your branding and marketing efforts to better increase market share, brand awareness, customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Areas Covered In This Webinar:

Understanding the brain's four thinking preferences - and how these preferences translate into consumer Buying Styles, will enable you to create not only a better brand - but also an innovative branding and marketing strategy. The bottom line: BrainBranding connects your brand with more people. Period.

In this session you will learn:

• How the brain's four distinct thinking preferences affect consumer buying behavior
• The Buying Styles that determine customers motivation behind what they purchase and who they purchase from
• Strategies to enhance your marketing message to reach more people
• Ways to develop a universal brand that appeals to each of the brain's four Buying Styles
• How BrainBranding can increase recognition, revenue, and market share

Learning Objectives:

• Increase revenues and profits
• Reach more customers
• Differentiating message that can create a brand preference
• Understanding the customer better
• Communicating more effectively

Who Will Benefit:

• Senior Management
• Marketing Managers
• Advertising Managers
• Creative Staff
• Brand Managers
• Product Development Team
• Advertising Agencies
• Market Researchers



For more information, please visit

Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509

at Online Webinar
2754 80th Avenue
New Hyde Park, United States

Orignal From: Increasing market share by increasing share of mind - By AtoZ Compliance.

Annual Conference and Medicare Expo on Primary Healthcare

Annual Conference and Medicare Expo on Primary Healthcare
OMICS International Conferences takes immense pleasure to extend our warm welcome to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend "Annual Conference and Medicare Expo on Primary Healthcare", April 25-27, 2016 in Dubai, UAE which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. OMICS International Organises 1000+ Conferences every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members. Summary: Primary Healthcare 2016 is a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. The main focus of primary health care was the diagnosis and treatment of patients, disease prevention and screening. Primary Healthcare 2016 works with the theme "Consolidating Knowledge Exchange to Improve Primary Healthcare Outcomes" aims to discover advances in health practice, management and education in relation to health disparities as well as a breadth of other topics. Driven by population magnification and aging, the total number of office visits to primary care medicos is projected to increment from 462 million in 2008 to 565 million in 2025. Patients with access to a regular primary care physician have lower overall health care costs than those without one, and health outcomes improve. Target Audience: Primary Healthcare Practitioners, Family Medicine Specialists, Primary Healthcare Researchers, Primary and Community care Specialists, Public Health Specialists, Internal Medicine Physicians, Primary Healthcare Associations and Societies, Business Entrepreneurs, Training Institutes, Software developing companies, Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies, Data Management Companies. Scope and Importance of Primary Healthcare 2016: The conference will be organized to bring together practitioners, administrators, policy makers, politicians and researchers within the field of primary health care and public health. Conference themes will focus on issues related with Innovation, Sustainability, Equity, Critical thinking and Uncertainty. Internationally there is increasing recognition of the importance of the primary care system for improving health outcomes and managing costs. Stronger primary health systems are associated with better health outcomes and lower costs, particularly for children. The World is changing and so are health services. Urbanization and globalization have its' impact on what is needed from health care providers and subsequently how health care is organized. More and more cities and other local authorities become increasingly important for the health of their citizens. Why to Attend??? Primary Healthcare conference is an opportunity to meet others within speciality to network and to learn the latest healthcare information. Improved primary health and community support also has the potential to prevent hospital admissions, particularly for ambulatory sensitive conditions. As well, better primary health and community support can also prevent inappropriate and unnecessary use of residential care services. It will also provide insight to the novel inventions and techniques. It is very beneficial for the Healthcare practitioners and fellowship owners because it provides knowledge in the field. It also gives opportunities to the companies to showcase their products and have face to face meetings with scientists increasing their business opportunities. It also gives companies to know about their market competitors. - See more at:

at The Oberoi, Dubai
Al Amal St
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Orignal From: Annual Conference and Medicare Expo on Primary Healthcare

Writing a research proposal

Orignal From: Writing a research proposal

Tony Robbins The 3 Mandates of Leadership

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Orignal From: Tony Robbins The 3 Mandates of Leadership

Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Research

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Orignal From: Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Research

What is Mixed Methods Research

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Orignal From: What is Mixed Methods Research

research wordcloud

research wordcloud

Orignal From: research wordcloud

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Research Methodology : Introduction

Research Methodology : Introduction

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A.Po - Research

A.Po - Research

from Poseidon

Price: USD 0.99
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Research - Follow Me

Research - Follow Me

from Identity Theft

Price: USD 0.99
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Orignal From: Research - Follow Me

Dwight Yoakam

Dwight Yoakam

Dwight Yoakam

Few entertainers have attained the iconic status of Dwight Yoakam. Perhaps that is because so few have consistently and repeatedly met the high standard of excellence delivered by the Kentucky native no matter what his endeavor. His name immediately conjures up compelling, provocative images: A pale cowboy hat with the brim pulled low; poured-on blue jeans; intricate, catchy melodies paired with poignant, brilliant lyrics that mesmerize with their indelible imprint. Then there's Yoakam the actor, who seemingly melts into his roles, impressively standing toe-to-toe with some of the world's top thespians: Jodie Foster, Tommy Lee Jones, Forest Whitaker, Nicholas Cage. Add to that Yoakam the entrepreneur and you have a singular talent without peer.

Yoakam's latest Warner Bros. album, 3 Pears, exemplifies his ability to incorporate multiple, competing influences into a piece of cohesive art. It balances his country core with a fiercely independent embrace of rock, Americana, pop and soul. It blends Yoakam's respect for his musical predecessors with the collaborative assistance of modern singer/songwriter Beck, who co-produced two tracks, and current rocker Kid Rock, who co-wrote the hooky opener, "Take Hold Of My Hand." But most importantly, 3 Pears builds on his trademark edginess with a notable, growing positivity.

"The music just kind of dropped in, in that way," Yoakam reflects. "Music is a bit of a mystery. Like all emotions are. And I think maybe it was something I needed to express and to share with the world at large, something positive when all of us are kind of carrying around this collective, emotional weight."

Much has been made that the Kentucky-born, Ohio-raised Yoakam was too country for Nashville when he first sought out his musical fortune in the mid-80s, but the truth is his music has always been too unique, too ruggedly individualistic to fit neatly into any one box. Like the icons he so admires --Elvis, Merle, Buck-- Yoakam is one of a kind. He has taken his influences and filtered them into his own potent blend of country and rock that honors his musical predecessors and yet creates something beautifully new. As Vanity Fair declared, "Yoakam strides the divide between rock's lust and country's lament."

Produced by Yoakam, 3 Pears demonstrates that spirit, coalescing around buzzing guitars and vulnerable ballads as he explores the emotional extremes of his musical persona, all delivered with a revealing honesty. "Heart Like Mine" puts a country garage-band spin on a classic pop/rock melody, while "Dim Lights", "Thick Smoke (And Loud, Loud Music)" – written by Joe and Rose Lee Maphis and closely associated with the Flying Burrito Brothers – is thrashing, 21st-century cowpunk. "Waterfall" takes an unusual, dreamy stab at embracing intimacy, and "Long Way To Go" – presented first as a gently chugging lope and later reprised as a stark piano/vocal performance – elegantly refines the concept of personal commitment. "Trying" surrounds an ultra-sensitive vocal performance with a ragged, soulful production.

The witty title track, which opened the flood gates to Yoakam's creativity, was inspired by George Harrison: Living in the Material World, the Martin Scorsese-directed film bio. One scene found John Lennon horsing around in three pairs of glasses, and Yoakam was immediately struck by the late Beatle's mix of zaniness and serious intent.
"I got to thinking about innocence and happiness," Yoakam says. "There's a certain nonsensical element to the song, but it was through that that I turned a corner. It allowed me to express some true, deeper feeling."
Yoakam's relentless search for truth has firmly connected him with a large, loyal following. A long-time Los Angeleno, Yoakam has sold more than 25 million albums worldwide, placing him in an elite cadre of global superstars. Yet the sales have never come at the expense of his musical integrity. Whether singing about the twisted wreckage of romance, the broken dreams of this hard life, or the burgeoning optimism that marks 3 Pears, Yoakam brings a knowing, glorious edge to his delivery and stands, in a world of artifice and flash, as a beacon of authenticity.
His debut album, Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc., Etc., set the tone as critics and fans alike responded to a new voice that arrived fully formed with no contemporary rival. With those 10 songs, full of twang and truth, Yoakam led the New Traditionalist movement, though he was never confined by that role. The New York Times' Peter Watrous, in fact, confirmed Yoakam's status beyond his obvious importance to country: "He fits into a general cultural reinvestigation of things American, including jazz and grassroots rock-and-roll." From the start, it was clear this jaded, often inscrutable troubadour could put a voice to our thoughts, expressing them better than we ever could.
He has 12 gold albums and nine platinum or multi-platinum albums, including the triple-platinum "This Time". Five of those albums have topped Billboard's Country Albums chart with another 14 landing in the Top 10. More than 30 singles have charted, with 22 going Top 20, including the incomparable hits "Honky Tonk Man," "Please Please Baby," "Little Ways," "I Sang Dixie," "It Only Hurts When I Cry," "Fast as You" and "Thousand Miles from Nowhere." He's won two Grammys and earned a staggering 21 nominations.

As stellar as his recordings are, Yoakam's live performances are transcendent. Upon his appearance at the Kentucky State Fair in 2006, the Louisville Courier Journal's Marty Rosen declared that "in his best moments, Dwight Yoakam ranks with the scant handful of country singers (or, more accurately, singers in any genre, from opera to blues) who can legitimately be called geniuses."

The potency of his performances makes him a much in-demand guest on the television circuit. So much so that he holds the record for the most appearances by any musical artist on the top-ranked The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

But the music only tells part of the story. Over the last 15 years, Yoakam has carved out a niche as one of the top character actors on film.

Starting with a role as a truck driver in John Dahl's spicy film noir Red Rock West in 1992, Yoakam was an instantly mesmerizing presence on the big screen. However, nothing prepared viewers for his riveting appearance as the malevolent Doyle Hargraves in the Academy Award-winning film Sling Blade, for which he and his co-stars were also nominated for the Screen Actors Guild's award for outstanding performance by a cast. In David Fincher's box office hit Panic Room, as the brilliantly underplayed antagonist Raoul, Yoakam once again seamlessly shapeshifted in front of our eyes. As David Smith wrote for the BBC, "…the film is stolen by Yoakam." His performance in Tommy Lee Jones' Cannes Film Festival award-winning The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada was effusively praised for its penetrating honesty. Entertainment Weekly's Sean Smith told USA Today, "As a character actor, he disappears into his roles. There's something amazingly natural about what he does. All his characters have this tense undertone to them."

As he does in his music, Yoakam nimbly transcends categorization as an actor. He displayed his vast range while portraying the hilarious Pastor Phil alongside Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn in the broad comedy romp, Four Christmases. He delved into darkness with his role as the infectiously eccentric Doc Miles in the Jason Stratham pictures Crank and Crank 2: High Voltage. And he proved comedically stubborn in a divorce-negotiation scene in the Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson picture Wedding Crashers.

Yoakam's ability to fuse multiple genres in music and to work in a variety of formats in movies led Time magazine to call him "a Renaissance man" and inspired author Don McLeese, in Dwight Yoakam: A Thousand Miles From Nowhere, to dub him "a visionary beyond time."

Yoakam's journey is, by admission, not a straight path. But it is one that feeds the essential premise of his art. His unique musical and theatrical efforts are different facets of Yoakam's singular devotion to discovery of himself and the world in which he lives. "You search for a sandbox," he says, "and just have fun in it." Few have the ability to make so many sandboxes uniquely their own.

at Ventura Theater
26 South Chestnut Street
Ventura, United States

Orignal From: Dwight Yoakam

The String Cheese Incident - Dudley's Kitchen

The String Cheese Incident - Dudley's Kitchen

from A String Cheese Incident

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Orignal From: The String Cheese Incident - Dudley's Kitchen

Basic Research and Applied Research Definitions and Differences Exam Prep Video

Orignal From: Basic Research and Applied Research Definitions and Differences Exam Prep Video

Car Engines Automotive Appreciation Part 1

Orignal From: Car Engines Automotive Appreciation Part 1

Hopsin - Pans In the Kitchen

Hopsin - Pans In the Kitchen

from Gazing At the Moonlight

Price: USD 1.29
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DURATA: 150 ore + 12 ore Job Counseling FREQUENZA: In aula e online in videoconferenza SOFTWARE: AutoCAD E ArredoCAD Professional PLUS: licenza gratuita ArredoCAD Professional ATTESTATO: Attestato di frequenza e competenza progettisti d'interni AGEVOLAZIONI: Sconti per gli allievi che hanno frequentato corsi con noi, per studenti universitari e professionisti con partita iva Richiedi informazioni o chiama subito al numero +39 045 582448 Clicca su "Partecipa all'evento" per leggere il programma del corso (non comporta nessun costo e nessun vincolo di iscrizione) PROGRAMMA Progettare arredamenti d'interni: progetto, materiali e arredo. Software: AutoCAD e ArredoCAD Professional Programma Didattico La struttura didattica del corso di Interior Design I è stata studiata per consentire di apprendere una metodologia di lavoro e di progettazione necessarie per ottenere risultati concreti: un mix calibrato tra formazione teorica e formazione pratica sul progetto, i materiali, e l'arredo. Durante la frequenza del corso si affronteranno i concetti fondamentali dell'Interior design: analisi del mobile, storia e stile del mobile, teorie sulla progettazione di interni, elementi di restauro, storia e metodologia del design, scienza e tecnica di materiali, impianti ed illuminazione. Contemporaneamente al disegno a mano libera si apprenderà l'utilizzo dei software più diffusi nel mercato della progettazione di arredi: AutoCAD e ArredoCAD Professional. ArredoCAD Professional è uno degli strumenti di progettazione di nuova generazione più utilizzato dai professionisti, e del quale verrà fornita una licenza gratuita ad ogni partecipante del corso. Obiettivi e sbocchi professionali Il Corso di Arredamento d'Interni e Interior Design è focalizzato a formare dei professionisti nell'ambito del Interior Design capaci di far fronte alle richieste del mercato, che necessita di personale in grado di gestire le diverse tematiche progettuali, tradurre le esigenze del cliente per realizzare concept di design di interni in linea con i nuovi trend. Gli sbocchi professionali di un Interior Designer e arredatore di interni sono come disegnatore di arredamento, Industrial Designer, Project Designer, presso studi, negozi di arredamento o potrà inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro come libero professionista. *il prezzo è riferito per seguire il corso in videoconferenza live interattiva + iva

12 Via Luigi Pasteur
Verona, Italy


The Kitchen Sisters - Fugitive Waves with The Kitchen Sisters

The Kitchen Sisters - Fugitive Waves with The Kitchen Sisters

from Fugitive Waves with The Kitchen Sisters

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Kent's Automotive Car Show Waycross, Ga

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Christie Brown - Rara Avis

Christie Brown - Rara Avis
Rara Avis presents the work of Christie Brown: a question of the 'posthuman' gaze or an animalistic recognition of our hubris gene?

For some years now Christie Brown has created human/animal hybrids often reminiscent of the figurative objects of ancient Egypt and China. She has harnessed the ability of such archaic and mythical artefacts to speak across time proposing links between the ancient and the contemporary.

However, in this body of work her use of collage brings a new sense of complexity. Rather than simply attributing human traits and emotions to animals or, representing the animal-like qualities of humans, she is more interested in ideas that penetrate the perceived barrier between human and animal, and which challenge traditional Western philosophical notions of what is intrinsically human.

'This gaze is beyond human perspective, thus "uninterpretable, unreadable, undecidable," but it is still a gaze, and a gaze addressed to us from the "abysmal" unknown, from the nonhuman, reversing the usual direction. It is we human beings, who think, we have the right to know, to observe the world and to define it, but when it returns our gaze, we are suddenly plunged into another, irreducible world, this one not having been built in accordance with our perceptions and our judgments.'
Jacques Derrida

Derrida's 'uninterpretable, unreadable, undecidable' provides a fitting description of the uncanny gaze of Brown's humanimals and other creatures. Maybe behind the gaze of each of her rarae aves, seemingly posthuman, frequently beyond species, is the recognition of hubris, that fatal human flaw that invariably leads to downfall? If not, they are certainly reminders that we human beings might benefit from a form of self-scrutiny that is far less self-regarding.

Christie Brown is an artist and research professor at the University of Westminster in London. She was Principal Investigator on the AHRC project Ceramics in the Expanded Field which was awarded to the team in 2011. She graduated from Harrow School of Art in 1982 and set up her north London studio. Her figurative ceramic work is informed by the fragmented narratives which reflect the parallel between archaeology and psychoanalysis. Her most recent solo exhibition DreamWork was held at the Freud Museum in 2012. Other major exhibitions include Marking the Line at the Sir John Soane's Museum in 2013 and Award at the British Ceramics Biennial 2013. Her work is featured in several private and public collections in Europe and the USA.

45 Grange Road
The Borough, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Christie Brown - Rara Avis

Intro to Flat Earth History, Research and Conspiracy. Part I

Intro to Flat Earth History, Research and Conspiracy. Part I

Video Rating: / 5

Orignal From: Intro to Flat Earth History, Research and Conspiracy. Part I

Monster Truck

Monster Truck

at House of Blues - Dallas
2200 N Lamar St
Dallas, United States

Orignal From: Monster Truck

Engine Cutaway 1.JPG

Engine Cutaway 1.JPG

I thought the cutaway engine displays made for an interesting photo.

Orignal From: Engine Cutaway 1.JPG

automotive abstraction

automotive abstraction

Orignal From: automotive abstraction

Interior Lighting for Designers

[wpramazon asin="0470114223" keyword="Interior design"]

Orignal From: Interior Lighting for Designers

India's Mega Kitchens - SHIRDI (ENGLISH)

Video Rating: / 5

Orignal From: India's Mega Kitchens - SHIRDI (ENGLISH)

Cofidis Mechanics' Truck Tour

Orignal From: Cofidis Mechanics' Truck Tour

COOL! Interior Design Ideas, Kitchens Ideas. FREE Interior Design Ideas.

COOL! Interior Design Ideas, Kitchens Ideas. FREE Interior Design Ideas.

Orignal From: COOL! Interior Design Ideas, Kitchens Ideas. FREE Interior Design Ideas.

Starlito - Leadership

Starlito - Leadership

from Black Sheep Don't Grin

Price: USD 1.29
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Orignal From: Starlito - Leadership

Master Lock 1530DPNK Breast Cancer Research Foundation Dial Combination Lock, Pink

[wpramazon asin="B0029Z9T7O" keyword="Research"]

Orignal From: Master Lock 1530DPNK Breast Cancer Research Foundation Dial Combination Lock, Pink



Blonde Redhead

Blonde Redhead

BLONDE REDHEAD is excited to announce a new album set for 2014 release. Another sonic twist in their already adventurous canonBlonde Redhead has always been a band that innovates with each album. They challenge themselves with each recording situation, and the results have been stunning every time. Their music is always inspired by the same emotions, but their tastes and ways they choose to execute those emotions are constantly evolving. It was the early conversations about how to make this record that led the band to work with the up and coming Swedish duo Van Rivers and The Subliminal Kid (Henrik von Sivers and Peder Mannerfelt) as producers on the record. Drew Brown (Radiohead, Beck) also came on board to record the tracks that would eventually be used in Stockholm.This really marks the first time that the band has worked in such a collaborative manner with their producers. Kazu says "it was a real test it shook everything up quite a bit". In fact, they were very much working outside of their comfort level, forced to move into directions that were completely unexpected, with many different opinions in the mix, which led to many challenges along the way. With friction however there is also great art. And that's exactly what we have with Penny Sparkle. It's a truly gorgeous album, one that the band is VERY happy with. Although it took over a year to get there, the completion of the record lifted a huge weight off the band's shoulders.The band initially spent 6 months upstate working on the songs for the album. Despite the beauty of their upstate surroundings, there was no escape. Simone said "I wasn't crazy about being upstate because there is something really sad about it just being up there, completely secluded it's really beautiful, but I had no escape no friends, and nowhere else to go." They couldn't just take a break and go meet friends like they could at home in New York City, so they ended up feeling quite trapped and isolated.When it came time to record, they decided to do a trial run with Henrik and Peder. Kazu headed to Sweden to work on one song, "Here Sometimes" to see how it might go. It was a little awkward for her working away from Amedeo and Simone with people she barely knew in the middle of the grey winter. She really loved being in Stockholm, but she felt very isolated and looked forward to working on the record again back in New York with the twins and getting their thoughts on the collaboration.Kazu returned and the band spent time working with Drew Brown at The Magic Shop to record some basic tracks, and also to work on incorporating the electronic elements that Henrik and Peder had worked on. It was over Christmas and New Years, and was one of the coldest winters New York had seen. No one celebrated the holidays with their families they just worked and worked although at times felt like they weren't accomplishing anything. When they had more tracks recorded, Kazu went back to Sweden again, as it was finally decided that the collaboration would work.Finally, in February the band realized that they in fact had accomplished quite a bit. Everyone the band, Drew, Henrick and Peder met together in New York to finally all work in the same room Sear Sound. This was just a few months before Walter Sear, the studio's owner passed away. He helped them program the moog for the sessions. This is where the songs finally found their finished form. It took a long time, and it was very difficult, but the journey it took to create Penny Sparkle is well worth it.The results of everyone's very hard work are found in the 10 songs that comprise Penny Sparkle. It's an emotional album full of discreet electronic flourishes, lush and sultry vocals and interesting sounds you have never heard on a Blonde Redhead record before. Sonically, the album sounds amazing on any stereo which was also a goal of the bands. They really wanted it to sound perfect on any type of listening device.It's no wonder that the band has some tensions to release after recording a record like this. In their spare time, Kazu and Amedeo both turn to horse riding, and Simone escapes on his motorcycle. Speaking of spare time, it's a wonder they have any at all. Between the year that it took to make Penny Sparkle, plus the soundtrack work that Simone and Amedeo have taken on, there really isn't much time to spare at all.Simone first got into motorcycles about 10 years ago. Since then, he has educated himself about their inner workings and can fix his own bikes Moto Guzzi being the preferred brand.Kazu spends time upstate, where she rides and takes care of horses, including her own. It's also where she met the album's namesake horse, "Penny Sparkle". The stables that Kazu keeps her horse at are the same place that she had her riding accident at in 2002. It's often surprising to some that she still rides after such a horrible accident, but it really brought her closer to her hobby and made her work even harder at it. Amedeo rides too, but he enjoys more of the training side of it.Blonde Redhead have ended up with a thing of beauty in Penny Sparkle. Despite the rocky road they went down while making it, Kazu says "I know that we have never made a record this way and if I could go back in time, I would do it exactly the same way again." And if the band is happy, then we should all be too.

at Mississippi Studios
3939 North Mississippi Avenue
Portland, United States

Orignal From: Blonde Redhead

Noah Hunt (of Kenny Wayne Shepherd) & Mato Nanji (Indigenous)

Noah Hunt (of Kenny Wayne Shepherd) & Mato Nanji (Indigenous)

1 Stage. 1 Night. Performing the Music of Indigenous, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band & all new material.A native of Cincinnati Ohio, Noah Hunt has a deep past as a musician, songwriter and vocalist. Noah's musical journey began at the age of four when he started taking piano lessons and sang in church choir. While in college he formed a very popular Cincinnati based band Uncle Six and recorded four albums. It was in 1998 that Noah was tapped to be the lead singer for the Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band where his signature vocals have been an integral part of the band's success for the past sixteen years.Indigenous front man, Mato Nanji, was born and raised on the Yankton Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Mato's father, the late Greg Zephier, Sr., was a well-known and highly respected spiritual advisor and spokesperson for the International Indian Treaty Council. In addition to this leadership role, he was an accomplished musician and a member of the musical group, The Vanishing Americans. Besides being heavily influenced by the music his father and uncles were making, Mato was exposed to Greg's vast collection of blues records by legendary artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and B.B. King. With the experience, love and wisdom of their father to guide them, Mato, his brother, sister and cousin formed the band Indigenous while in their late teens.In addition to his Indigenous 'day job', Mato Nanji has been a member of the annual Experience Hendrix Tour Band since 2002. Playing alongside original Jimi Hendrix band members Billy Cox and the late Mitch Mitchell, the tour roster includes some of today's blues greats including Chris Layton and Tommy Shannon (Double Trouble), Jonny Lang, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Eric Johnson, and Robert Randolph. Following their 2012 Experience Hendrix Tour, Nanji collaborated with two of his fellow EHT band mates, David Hidalgo (Los Lobos) and Luther Dickinson (North Mississippi Allstars), delivering the hard-driving, blues-infused 3 Skulls and the Truth.

at Sam's Burger Joint Music Hall
330 East Grayson Street
San Antonio, United States

Orignal From: Noah Hunt (of Kenny Wayne Shepherd) & Mato Nanji (Indigenous)

Agent Orange, Motorcycle Boy

Agent Orange, Motorcycle Boy

at Whisky A Go-Go
8901 Sunset Boulevard
West Hollywood, United States

Orignal From: Agent Orange, Motorcycle Boy

Sparks - The Toughest Girl In Town

Sparks - The Toughest Girl In Town

from Interior Design

Price: USD 0.99
View Details about Sparks

Orignal From: Sparks - The Toughest Girl In Town

Mother’s Day for Mother Earth Tenth Anniversary Celebration!

Mother's Day for Mother Earth Tenth Anniversary Celebration!
Ten years and counting! StoneLion Puppet Theatre will celebrate Mother's Day with Kansas City's largest community arts project and giant puppet show, Mother's Day for Mother Earth. Larger than life puppets, professional actors, dancers, community participants and you will celebrate spring on the lawn of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. This free event has attracted over 6000 audience members and grows annually. Viewers from as far away as Sweden and Pakistan have joined our local residents in a day of celebration for our planet and families with puppets up to 20' tall.
This year's theme is all about water. The Mermaid's Tail (Tale) follows the journey of a giant plastic water bottle down a storm drain and eventually out to sea. Who and what will be effected? Over 100 community volunteers from age 2 years to 75 will perform alongside StoneLion's professional troupe. Crescendo Conservatory from Overland Park, KS is our featured partner supplying over forty dancers to the cast. Bring your picnic, set up a lawn chair, tour the museum, make your own puppet at our craft tables and enjoy the day.

Fact: Did you know Mother's Day started as Peace Day protesting war? What better way to spend Mother's Day than in the park with a beautiful and timely puppet spectacle about protecting the planet we live on for our children?

When: May 8, 2016
Time: Noon-4 p.m. interactive activities around the museum
2:00 p.m. Mother's Day for Mother Earth giant puppet play
Where: South Lawn; The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
4525 Oak Street Kansas City, MO 64111


FREE for the entire family
Bring a picnic, blanket and/or lawn chair
(lawn chair seating in designated areas only)

Sponsored by The Missouri Arts Council, a state agency, Kansas City Parks and Recreation, The Francis Family Foundation, KC Water Services, The ArtsKC Fund, Mid America Regional Council and The Law Offices of Lance Loewenstein.

at Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Kansas City MO
Kansas City, United States

Orignal From: Mother's Day for Mother Earth Tenth Anniversary Celebration!

Cake Ingredients Mixing Competition 2016

Cake Ingredients Mixing Competition 2016
Kitchen appliances let you complete time consuming tasks in a matter of minutes and since time is equivalent to money, they save you valuable money in the long term. So if they are such useful devices, why not go for the best option in the market so as to maximize the gains. This competition is organizing for introduce some valuable mixer and to know how to mixing with better way. Every adult person will be accepted to competition. More details and rules will be inform later or before start competition. Please invited you and your family. Basically this event organized by

at California Pizza Kitchen
125 Lakewood Center Mall
Lakewood, United States

Orignal From: Cake Ingredients Mixing Competition 2016

Feeding the Angry Ram with an R/C Monster Truck

Video Rating: / 5

Orignal From: Feeding the Angry Ram with an R/C Monster Truck

Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Beaumont

Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Beaumont
The Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America, one of the most successful and popular charity rides in the country, will be stopping in Beaumont on May 6 from 7am to 8am. Former NASCAR driver and NBC Sports racing analyst Kyle Petty is leading 200 bikers and celebrities, such as Richard Petty, Herschel McGriff, Herschel Walker, Harry Gant, Rick Allen and more, on a 2,150-mile motorcycle trip to raise money for Victory Junction – a camp for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.

Come to The Hampton Inn to cheer on the riders, meet the celebrity guests and support the Ride! Memorabilia will be available for purchase and donations will be accepted to contribute to the Ride's "Small Change. Big Impact." program. Learn more at

at Hampton Inn
3795 IH South
Beaumont, United States

Orignal From: Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Beaumont

EV0LUT10N - Interior Design

EV0LUT10N - Interior Design

from Nucleus

Price: USD 0.99
View Details about EV0LUT10N

Orignal From: EV0LUT10N - Interior Design

Gomadic Car and Wall Charger Essential Kit for the Amazon Kindle (1st Generation) - Includes both AC Wall and DC Car Charging Options with TipExchange

[wpramazon asin="B001SPVIE8" keyword="RVs"]

Orignal From: Gomadic Car and Wall Charger Essential Kit for the Amazon Kindle (1st Generation) - Includes both AC Wall and DC Car Charging Options with TipExchange

Mitsuko Uchida, piano

Mitsuko Uchida, piano
Alban Berg: Sonata, Op.1
Franz Schubert: 4 Impromptus, D.899
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Rondo in A minor, K.511
Robert Schumann: Sonata No.1 in F sharp minor, Op.11

Hear Mitsuko Uchida in a range of music that includes some of the composers closest to her heart.

The great pianist plays Mozart, Schubert, Schumann and Berg.

Born in Japan, educated in Vienna and long resident in the UK, where she has been awarded a DBE, Uchida has built a reputation in the works of Viennese and German composers that is second to none.

Her attention to detail often involves painstaking research on original manuscripts and her interpretative intensity endears her to audiences the world over.

'Mitsuko Uchida is still a queen of her instrument: her phrasing heartfelt, her tone warm and her responsiveness to mood acute' (New York Times)

£7 student tickets are available via the Student Pulse app in the month before this concert. Some of these seats are on the stage. Download the app from any app store or go to

Next concert in the International Piano Series 2015/16Performers

Mitsuko Uchida piano

at Royal Festival Hall
Belvedere Road
City of London, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Mitsuko Uchida, piano

basic voltage drop testing for automotive electrical testing

basic voltage drop testing for automotive electrical testing

Video Rating: / 5

Orignal From: basic voltage drop testing for automotive electrical testing

Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Del Rio

Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Del Rio
The Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America, one of the most successful and popular charity rides in the country, will be stopping in Del Rio on May 3 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. Former NASCAR driver and NBC Sports racing analyst Kyle Petty is leading 200 bikers and celebrities, such as Richard Petty, Herschel McGriff, Herschel Walker, Harry Gant, Rick Allen and more, on a 2,150-mile motorcycle trip to raise money for Victory Junction – a camp for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.

Come to Cripple Creek Steakhouse to cheer on the riders, meet the celebrity guests and support the Ride! Memorabilia will be available for purchase and donations will be accepted to contribute to the Ride's "Small Change. Big Impact." program. Learn more at

at Exxon
11705 US-90
Del Rio, United States

Orignal From: Kyle Petty Charity Ride Comes to Del Rio

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Edmonton Green Building Superhero - Project Management

Edmonton Green Building Superhero - Project Management
The Northern Alberta Emerging Green Builders host a series of mentorship sessions for young Edmonton professionals and students.  This new monthly program is the Green Building Superhero series and is an opportunity to engage with professionals at a one-on-one during and information Q & A session. APRIL 27 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT IAN O'DONNELL -  Manasc Isaac Inspired by the idea that learning is a life-long process, Ian worked to discover the principles of sustainable design from a firm that embraced the environment and practiced what it preached, both internally and externally, Manasc Isaac.  Ian has enthusiasm and passion for discovering innovative solutions to sustainable design challenges.   With experience as a project manager, Ian joined the Field Services team at Manasc Isaac Architects and has since excelled at providing both on and off site support to contractors, owners, and team members during the LEED documentation and submission process. As the Team Lead responsible for the collection, coordination, and interpretation of LEED documentation, Ian has also successfully overseen the recent completion of a number of Manasc Isaac's sustainable and LEED projects such as Slave Lake Government Centre and Library (LEED Silver Expected), Servus Credit Union Head Office (LEED Silver Achieved) and Athabasca University's new Academic Research Centre, which is also achieved LEED Gold.   His considerable work in the community led him to receive Avenue Magazine's 2013 award as a 'Top 40 under 40' that recognizes Edmontonians who give back to their community and raise the profile of the City. This includes his work as Vice President and Development Chair for the Downtown Community League where he reviews plans and development permits, his position on the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board for the City of Edmonton and his role as the District 'F' planning representative with the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues where he reviews City master planning and zoning revisions. When not volunteering, he is most easily found on one of Edmonton's patios.     Superhero Schedule: 2015 September 30 – Green Building Contracting October 28 – Green Building Architecture November 25 – Green Building Engineering 2016 January 27 – Green Building Commissioning February 24 – Green Homebuilding March 30 – Green Building Interiors April 27 - Project Management May 25 - Policy Development  

at Dewey's Lounge, University of Alberta
North Power Plant
Edmonton, Canada

Orignal From: Edmonton Green Building Superhero - Project Management

Class of 2012 Leadership Maryland

Class of 2012 Leadership Maryland

Class of 2012 Leadership is Welcomed by Governor O'Malley. by Jay Baker at Annapolis, Maryland

Orignal From: Class of 2012 Leadership Maryland

The Nite Train Express 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt

The Nite Train Express 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt
Open to motorcycles and vehicles, Tickets are .00 per person. Stops include, Big Top Brewery, Herb's Limestone Country Club, Open Road, Solomon's Castle, charlotte's Web. Proceeds go to Oak Park School, Sarasota, FL.

at Clark Road Applebee's
5490 Clark Road
Sarasota, United States

Orignal From: The Nite Train Express 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt

Yo Gotti - Cases (feat. 2 Chainz)

Yo Gotti - Cases (feat. 2 Chainz)

from Live from the Kitchen

Price: USD 1.29
View Details about Yo Gotti

Orignal From: Yo Gotti - Cases (feat. 2 Chainz)


Award-winning, Los Angeles-based Interior Designer Madeline Stuart, gives a behind-the-scenes talk about the history and restoration of an iconic home in L.A., which will be featured in the May/June issue of VERANDA. The 1930 Art Deco masterpiece was built by famed Hollywood set designer Cedric Gibbons for his wife, actress Delores Del Rio. An 11-time Academy Award winner, Cedric is credited with imagining the sets for more than 1,000 films, many of which had an undeniable influence on residential interior design of the era, and for designing the famed Oscar statuette. Following the presentation, join Peacock Alley located in ADAC West, Suite A6, for a meet-and-greet reception with Madeline Stuart, and peruse their Spring 2016 Modern Heirloom Collection.

351 Peachtree Hills Ave NE - Presentation Room, First Floor Atrium
Atlanta, United States


Mechanix Wear CG50-75-011 Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Full Leather Glove, Black, XLarge

Mechanix Wear CG50-75-011 Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Full Leather Glove, Black, XLarge

Mechanix Wear CG50-75-011 Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Full Leather Glove, Black, XLargeProduct Features Derived from our CG Heavy Duty glove, the CG Full Leather provides working hands with full leather protection against Impact, abrasion, and hand fatigue. The durable genuine leather palm features multi-zone padding for comfort and leather reinforced fingertips for added durability. Flexible Thermal Plastic Rubber (TPR) Impact protection disperses damaging blows to the top of your hand and the low profile wrist closure provides full range of motion. The CG Full Leather is built tough for the daily grind and features our machine washable leather for longevity.Intended Uses: * Multipurpose * Construction * Carpentry * Heavy equipment operation * Lighting * Towing/transportation * Oil & gas exploration * Mining * Fabrication * Forestry * Landscaping * DIY/Home improvementSize: XLargeColor: BlackGlove Sizing Chart
List Price: 67.74
Price: 45.61

Orignal From: Mechanix Wear CG50-75-011 Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Full Leather Glove, Black, XLarge

Yo Gotti - Second Chance

Yo Gotti - Second Chance

from Live from the Kitchen

Price: USD 1.29
View Details about Yo Gotti

Orignal From: Yo Gotti - Second Chance

LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event

LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event
LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~ Topanga Canyon Ceremonial Weekend Camping Event Saturday, April 23, 2016 11:11am - Sunday, April 24, 2016 3:33pm Limited to the first 33 open minded transformers to purchase tickets ! The Premiere LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ Topanga Canyon Earth Day launch party is a two day camping getaway FULL MOON weekend. Saturday~ 11:11am Earth Day Arrivals BEgin. Soul Shower ~ energetic activation by Ascention Architects Crystal Gift from The Verde River, Sedona Arizona vicinity: Gratis Eric Senchuk and Mother Earth Elixir, juice &/or tea: by HerbalThom/ Cheri Rae 1:11pm "LIGHT" hike to Native American cave meditation: S. Stephen Huntsman "Qi" "Grounding" Tree ~ Earth Energy exchange LovEarth Crystal Grid Ceremony: Eric Senchuk 3:33pm YOGA ~ Peace Yoga Gallery "PEACE TRAIN": Cheri Rae & Crew         Accompanied with & throughout: Live music experience: world touring-acclaimed recording artists & DJs. 432 hertz Sound Healing vibrational healing sessions Organic plant based Dinner & Dessert: EPIC nourishment via Cheri Rae!!! Light Alchemy sessions that activate pineal gland and send you on a higher dimensional trip.  Alex Young. South American Cacao Ceremony with AleXander SharOne GROOVE TEMPLE !!! Dancers- Live Artists: and YOU! Cuddle puddle "SQUISHING" roll about! Hot tub time  (filtered tub water ;) CAMPING! Sleep,maybe? Under the Stars around Crystal Grid beneath Native American caves. Tent space limited/ bring own options. Tents Thanks Peyton Wallace!                                             Sunday~ Sunrise Salutations & Meditations Elixir, juice &/or tea: by Ascension Architects, Herbal Thom & or Cheri Rae Qi Gong - Breath EMPOWERMENT [better than caffeine will ever be!] Flooding the entire Being with Qi, Prana: LIFE FORCE ENERGY. Herbal Thom 11:11am Ohm Sound Bath "SOUL DANCE" &  MUSIC with Karlita or Larisa Gosia 1:11pm 3:33pm OPTIONS. Hiking / Meditating / Hot tubbing / sun worshipping / DANCING? / NOTHING! Closing "OPENING HEART" Grateful for Earth Ceremonial Sharing opportunity - Chanting Hug off Limited to 33 participants, first to pay ...  first to play!  THE DEAL : ALL INCLUSIVE  1.11 Love offering. Get Tickets via Green Get Tickets button above... directions/parking instructions will be supplied upon payment. Tent space available. Have your own tent? Bring it if you wish. Let the fun time FULL MOON transformations begin. This is a sans alcohol event. More about the Earth Day Event Schedule Below! The Premiere LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ Topanga Canyon Earth Day launch party is a two day camping getaway FULL MOON weekend. A luscious communion of conscious individuals  seeking to have an epic experience with like minded activators. Grounding, literally, in the gorgeous "Sedona esque" Topanga Canyon Red Rock Santa Monica Native American Mountains. Set within an hours drive from anywhere in LA County,  15 - 30 minutes to Santa Monica, the private chateau and headquarters of nestled in a canyon at the end of a dirt road. Expect the best organic plant based food ever, coupled with the most passionate yoga, soul dance activators we have yet to find.. mixed with live delicious artists, music, light~sound vibrational healings with eclectic ceremonies of assorted varieties and energy workers. Saturday:  Plan on landing in our dynamic energetic portal anytime after 11:11am to receive a crystal gift from the Verde River outside of Sedona Arizona. This will be used for the Crystal Grid Ceremony. Arrive to an energetic soul shower, bathed with shamanic potions and frequencies love-crafted by Ascension Architects. Sip & enjoy a scrumptious activating elixir, juice and / or tea. Launching promptly at 3:33 pm with the Land Honoring Ceremony followed by Earth Grounding Reconnection session. "Light" Hike time! Enjoy short hike to & meditation in Native American Caves tucked away in the Santa Monica Mountains. Go "within" during the best yoga ever! Cheri Rae of Peace Yoga Gallery DTLA accompanied by live vibes and concluding with a transformational sound bath. Let's eat!  Cheri Rae's world-famous plant based organic food, dinner & dessert. YUMMMM!! "Light Alchemy" sessions that activate pineal gland and send you on a higher dimensional trip. Generate profound trance and meditation states ideal for deepening personal and spiritual development progress. Cacao Ceremony, Live music & artists around the fire into the night. Enjoy playing an instrument? Bring it along. Jam sessions throughout with Cuddle puddle and "squish" time to ensue. Hot tub available. Wake up to the new you!  (That's if you've had any sleep...) To a sunrise salutation and Qigong breath empowerment session. Breathe in the new day and the new you to harmonious 432 Hertz sound healing vibrations and scrumptious juices and smoothies! 11:11am starts the final Yoga Circle and 1:11pm is the closing ceremony. Get Tickets via Green Get Tickets button above... directions/parking instructions will be supplied upon payment. THE SOUL DANCE Connecting the beats of your heart with the heart of Mother Earth Connecting every cell with the power intelligence of the Sun Opening crown chakra to receive the frequency of the Universe Vibrating the body with the creator energy of Love Becoming energy, one, swimming with all, no limitation of the material body Letting go of the matter and becoming energy… flowing, moving, shaking, expressing the whole universe through each movement and aligning the sound of your body with the oneness… To be conscious of every movement of our soul and body aligning all the spectrum with full power in the present of now to co-create any reality with the power… moving, loving and living in our temple that is our body in full power of Love… Letting go of paradigms of how we should move, dance and express To be dancing with the universe of our own reality The dance of freedom is what I call this ritual WELCOME!

at Topanga Canyon Gallery
120 Pine Tree Circle
Topanga, United States

Orignal From: LovEarth Day ~ Peace Train ~ GROOVE TEMPLE ~Topanga Canyon Weekend Ceremonial packed Camping Event

Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)

Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)
If looking to delve a little deeper into meditation then the 8 Week Chakra Meditation Course from Seventh Heaven caters just this. Over the 8 weeks you will gain knowledge on the 7 chakras of the body, what they represent on a physical, emotional and mental level; plus blended into a various style of meditations, breathing & grounding techniques. By working through the chakra system you begin a journey of self-exploaration, bringing about a much more balanced. healthier and positive YOU! The 8 Week Chakra Meditation Course really is a begining for transformation, and many students have given this feedback. From Friday 1st April - 20th May  11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS   Testimonial "Everyone can benefit from meditation and in my experience the results are not only life-changing but also fantastic. The way in which my mind works is changing, I have greater clarity, confidence and self-belief in all aspects of my life - both on a personal and professional level. The one-hour weekly session helps me recharge my batteries and invigorates my mind which results in higher motivation levels for me. I don't understand why I waited so long to practice something that is bringing amazing benefits to my life." Joanne Campbell, HR Manager of Barclay Communications.      "This is a great taster course to dip your toe in the vast potential that is meditation. I found it helped me keep my focus during the week. It can be hard to be upbeat and positive everyday but with Kim's courses it's becoming second nature." Katrina Doran, Editor of Sugahfix "I look forward to the mediation class all week - knowing I'm going to chill out and let any stress that has built up during the week go. I get the best nights sleep and am rejuvenated for the weekend." Pamela Smyth, Head Makeup Artist at The Makeup Dept. "Been on two of Kim's courses back to back. It's so good to find out about your inner self. Found it very helpful with confidence, stress and relaxation. Would definitely recommend to anyone." Nichola O'Neill, Freelance MUA

at Flow Studio Belfast - Yoga
52 Hill Street
Belfast, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Chakra Meditation - 8 Week Course at Flow Yoga, Malone Road (Friday's)

Heather Chauvin is a soul-based Parenting & Women's Leadership Coach, writer and motivational speaker. Heather currently coaches busy ambitious women (and men) in creating strategies to transform the life and relationships they truly desire. From the - Mom Is In Control | For Ambitious Women Who Are Committed To Evolving The Way They Live, Work, Play And Parent.

Heather Chauvin is a soul-based Parenting & Women's Leadership Coach, writer and motivational speaker. Heather currently coaches busy ambitious women (and men) in creating strategies to transform the life and relationships they truly desire. From the - Mom Is In Control | For Ambitious Women Who Are Committed To Evolving The Way They Live, Work, Play And Parent.

from Mom Is In Control | For Ambitious Women Who Are Committed To Evolving The Way They Live, Work, Play And Parent.

Price: USD 0
View Details about Heather Chauvin is a soul-based Parenting & Women's Leadership Coach, writer and motivational speaker. Heather currently coaches busy ambitious women (and men) in creating strategies to transform the life and relationships they truly desire. From the

Orignal From: Heather Chauvin is a soul-based Parenting & Women's Leadership Coach, writer and motivational speaker. Heather currently coaches busy ambitious women (and men) in creating strategies to transform the life and relationships they truly desire. From the - Mom Is In Control | For Ambitious Women Who Are Committed To Evolving The Way They Live, Work, Play And Parent.

Know the Essential Features of Premier Research Labs Products

The fillers or binders added to these products to shape up the final product and extend the shelf life are harmful for the body. Prolonged use of these products is harmful. While some of these can suppress the immune system or create hormonal imbalance others can cause cancers and other fatal diseases. However, there are products available that are completely free of excipients. Premier Research Labs Products are one of those.

Features of premier research labs products

Apart from being free from recipients these products have other features that are unique to them.

Clinical tested products

All the products developed by this lab are clinically tested for their efficacy, harmlessness, and nutritional potential. Products from this lab does not contain any magnesium stearate that is often said to suppress the immune system. The Premier Research Labs Products are tested for animal hormone and other toxic elements which may have adverse effect on health.

Cellular resonance

The most important character of premier research labs products that separates them from other products is Cellular Resonance. The concept of Cellular resonance arises from the idea that every cell in the body has a unique frequency. When food and nutrition of a matching frequency are fed to the cells resonance takes place and cells accept the food or supplement wholeheartedly. This helps the cells derive maximum nutrition. All the premier research labs product are based on the idea of cellular resonance. This is why they have a harmonious effect on the body.

Live source

Live sources of nutrition like live yoghurt fight the maladies by assisting the body's own defense mechanism, and not by superimposing its own attacking power over the body's own immune system which the modern medicine and food supplements do. Assisting the immune power of the body has been found to be more effective in the long term than feeding the body with external agents to fight the maladies. This can be done by feeding the body with live sources of nutrition. Live sources are effective and free from side effects. Premier research labs uses all the live sources in the various health supplements and food concentrates it produces.

Practitioner support

You will get full time practitioner support for all the products developed by the company. Apart from that there are practitioner teleconferences, webinars, training seminars etc going on regularly.


There are several products developed by the company. These are made to support some or the other organ of the body. It develops adaptogens which help the body tune its adrenal system. A properly tuned adrenal system helps in regulating the body's hormonal response to external stress. This can minimize the effect of stress on your body. It also develops products that help the body in detoxification. Toxins are depositing in the body from food, drink as well as medicines. The body can be detoxified using detoxification products from premier research labs. Moreover, there are products which rectify the pH balance of the body which is often at the adverse side owing to our lifestyle and food habits.

The above article is written by the manager of Radiant Living Center regarding Premier Research Labs Products.

Orignal From: Know the Essential Features of Premier Research Labs Products

RAM Truck in Kingston Has a Lot for You

Who do you trust most often? Isn't it the one who has built reputations and one you have heard a lot of good things about? Yes. It is definitely that one whom we entrust a lot about us. It is our nature to choose and go for someone that we know can deliver what we want; someone who had been known for long for good deeds and results. Same thing applies with choosing makes of vehicle; choosing a RAM truck in Kingston.

For so many years, RAM has been tagged as a manufacturer of pickups that consistently stand with the test of the road; be it during dry or wet season. They have surprised us with every move they are making in terms of the models they are building such as the models for 2016 RAM trucks.

It has been a smooth ride for those who have tried taking trips with the truck. It has been a joy for those who had the taste of the sweet travel with the RAM truck. And it could be the same for you if you can only take the step today and take time visiting a car dealer in Kingston.

Knowing RAM, you can be at ease of the quality of the vehicle that you would be buying. The benefits of owning RAM Truck have long been disclosed and day by day number of people who are trusting the model gets higher. And this has been proven by the emerging popularity of the model.

Kingston Dodge Chrysler trusts RAM for the quality as much as we have been trusted by our previous clients. This is the reason why we always ensure the quality of the vehicle we make available to the market. This is both for brand new and used cars of different models.

Our inventory page has a long list of vehicle that we are offering together with discounts and other promos to avail. You can simply head over to our page to make inquiry or you can also ring us on our phone line, 613-549-8900 to talk to a sales representative.

Orignal From: RAM Truck in Kingston Has a Lot for You

Spook Less - Motorcycles

Spook Less - Motorcycles

from Trail Riding Edition

Price: USD 0.99
View Details about Spook Less

Orignal From: Spook Less - Motorcycles

Deep Sleep Hypnosis Masters - Stress Management

Deep Sleep Hypnosis Masters - Stress Management

from 111 Tracks: Over Five Hours Relaxation Therapy Music for Massage, Spa, Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Sleep and Study, Zen New Age & Healing Nature Sounds

Price: USD 0.99
View Details about Deep Sleep Hypnosis Masters

Orignal From: Deep Sleep Hypnosis Masters - Stress Management

Ministry Leadership... TD Jakes

Video Rating: / 5

Orignal From: Ministry Leadership... TD Jakes

Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound 32 oz.

Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound 32 oz.

Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound is a professional grade boat compound designed to power through oxidation on gel coat fiberglass boats and RVs. Enriched polishing oils allow for heavy oxidation removal with low product flash. The product can be worked longer with a polisher with less dusting. Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound cuts fast and leaves few compounding swirls. Follow up with Meguiars #45 Marine/RV Polish to restore optimum gloss to gel coat. For the best results, apply Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound with a polisher. 32 oz.
List Price:
Price: 39.99

Orignal From: Meguiars Marine/RV #91 Power Cut Compound 32 oz.