Friday, April 22, 2016

Identity and Equality: The State and You

Identity and Equality: The State and You
The Scottish Public Law Group are delighted to announce their next event 'Identity and Equality: The State and You' , on Wednesday 4 May 2015 at Shepherd + Wedderburn's Edinburgh offices. The State imposes limitations and restrictions on recognition of identity. At this event, we shall hear from a varied and expert panel of speakers on two of the current issues in this area – civil partnerships and transgender issues. The Scottish Government has recently consulted on extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples. In England, the law there is the subject of litigation. Even the Isle of Man is considering extending civil partnerships to all! The issues faced by transgender people have been the subject of a recent report from the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee. In it, they made wide-ranging recommendations which included updating the Gender Recognition Act 2004, altering the age limit for gender recognition, and amendment of the Equality Act 2010. Our panel of speakers will inform us about these issues from their different perspectives, and contribute to an important debate on what happens when you or your relationship conflicts with societal norms. The panel comprises:- Professor Robert Wintemute, King's College London – Professor Wintemute is a Professor of human rights law. His particular interests include Human Rights Law, Anti-Discrimination Law, and Sexual Orientation and the Law. He is on the Steering Group of the 'Equal Civil Partnerships' campaign, which is behind the legal challenge in England. ( James Morton, Scottish Transgender Alliance – the Scottish Transgender Alliance assists transgender people, service providers, employers and equality organisations to work together to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland. STA submitted evidence to the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry. Professor Kenneth Norrie, University of Strathclyde – Professor Norrie is well known for his work on family law. His present research includes the consequences of the implementation of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014, the conversion of overseas civil partnership to marriage, the Scottish Government's review of civil partnership, international recognition, and the balance between religious freedom and LGBTI equality. Registration is from 17:15. The talks will start at 17:30 and the evening will finish with a wine reception from 19:00 to 19:30. Directions to Shepherd + Wedderburn's Edinburgh offices can be found here The SPLG would like to thank Shepherd + Wedderburn for its generous support of this event. This event is free and will attract 1.5 hours of CPD. We do not charge for attendance, but in return we ask that if you book a place and later find that you cannot attend, please cancel your place so that somebody on the waiting list is able to go instead. If you have any access, communication or other needs please contact

at Shepherd & Wedderburn
1 Exchange Crescent
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Identity and Equality: The State and You

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